It contradicts the flow of time. It will be revived by love. Can you feel it? Your heart is beating.
fredag, december 12, 2008
söndag, december 07, 2008
Man ser dem överallt.
De säljs överallt.
Man måste helt enkelt inse fakta och acceptera att i Tyskland älskar de polotröjor.
Det svider i min själ när man ser en söt pojke bära en, det är ju så sjukt, otroligt fult! Nu är jag inte den som är speciellt intresserad av mode, men föreställ dig detta:
En man bär, inomhus, en polotröja med en stickad ylletröja utanpå, byxor, sandaler och självklart med vita strumpor. Mina ögon svider. Will they ever learn?
Jag har varit väldigt dålig på att uppdatera min blogg, och jag tvivlar på att någon fortfarande läser men jag kan meddela er att jag fortfarande trivs bra här. Överallt i München ploppar det upp lite julmarknader och jag gillar att gå runt och bara titta på allting. Bayern är religiösare än resten av Tyskland och det säljs* många Mariastatyer och liknande, perfekta julklappar till alla ateistiska svenskar! ;)
Har faktiskt fått tummen ur och börjat köpa lite julklappar nu, hittills är hälften inköpta och resten planerade och hittade i affärer.
Far tillbaka till Sverige den 22. december och stannar tills 7. januari. När jag kommer tillbaka hit kommer det vara så..folktomt. Idag åkte Nikki (Grönland), Yoko (Hong Kong) flyttade till en lägenhet, nästa vecka åker Shuhei (japan) tillbaka hem efter att ha varit här i tio månader och den 10e januari lämnar Martin (Belgien) oss för en EF-skola i Miami :( Känns redan konstigt att ha ett rum för mig själv och jag har bara varit ensam i ungefär 4 timmar. Dock har det redan hunnits påpekas tre gånger.
- Ach so, schon allein. Wann kommst der nächste Studentin?
- Fühlst du dich nicht allein?
- Yoko ist weg! Du bist jetzt so allein! :o
Jag är lite smånöjd ändå, nu har jag ingen som snarkar ashögt två meter ifrån mig och förhoppningsvis kan jag äntligen sova ordentligt.
Ska försöka med!
Gute Nacht!
*jag måste tyvärr erkänna att jag först tänkte "försäljs" (verkaufen på tyska). Är svårt för min lilla hjärna att hålla koll på allting och jag kommer på mig själv hela tiden med att använda tyska uttryck osv. Det har bara gått två och en halv månader och min svenska är redan i fara, haha.. Blir väl så när man ständigt tänker på ett främmande språk, det är helt enkelt för ansträngande att tänka på svenska här.
De säljs överallt.
Man måste helt enkelt inse fakta och acceptera att i Tyskland älskar de polotröjor.
Det svider i min själ när man ser en söt pojke bära en, det är ju så sjukt, otroligt fult! Nu är jag inte den som är speciellt intresserad av mode, men föreställ dig detta:
En man bär, inomhus, en polotröja med en stickad ylletröja utanpå, byxor, sandaler och självklart med vita strumpor. Mina ögon svider. Will they ever learn?
Jag har varit väldigt dålig på att uppdatera min blogg, och jag tvivlar på att någon fortfarande läser men jag kan meddela er att jag fortfarande trivs bra här. Överallt i München ploppar det upp lite julmarknader och jag gillar att gå runt och bara titta på allting. Bayern är religiösare än resten av Tyskland och det säljs* många Mariastatyer och liknande, perfekta julklappar till alla ateistiska svenskar! ;)
Har faktiskt fått tummen ur och börjat köpa lite julklappar nu, hittills är hälften inköpta och resten planerade och hittade i affärer.
Far tillbaka till Sverige den 22. december och stannar tills 7. januari. När jag kommer tillbaka hit kommer det vara så..folktomt. Idag åkte Nikki (Grönland), Yoko (Hong Kong) flyttade till en lägenhet, nästa vecka åker Shuhei (japan) tillbaka hem efter att ha varit här i tio månader och den 10e januari lämnar Martin (Belgien) oss för en EF-skola i Miami :( Känns redan konstigt att ha ett rum för mig själv och jag har bara varit ensam i ungefär 4 timmar. Dock har det redan hunnits påpekas tre gånger.
- Ach so, schon allein. Wann kommst der nächste Studentin?
- Fühlst du dich nicht allein?
- Yoko ist weg! Du bist jetzt so allein! :o
Jag är lite smånöjd ändå, nu har jag ingen som snarkar ashögt två meter ifrån mig och förhoppningsvis kan jag äntligen sova ordentligt.
Ska försöka med!
Gute Nacht!
*jag måste tyvärr erkänna att jag först tänkte "försäljs" (verkaufen på tyska). Är svårt för min lilla hjärna att hålla koll på allting och jag kommer på mig själv hela tiden med att använda tyska uttryck osv. Det har bara gått två och en halv månader och min svenska är redan i fara, haha.. Blir väl så när man ständigt tänker på ett främmande språk, det är helt enkelt för ansträngande att tänka på svenska här.
måndag, december 01, 2008
Önskelista 2008
1) Pengar
2) Filmer på tyska
3) Böcker på tyska
4) Smink
5) Kläder
6) Godis
7) Smycken
8) Flygbiljett hem i maj
2) Filmer på tyska
3) Böcker på tyska
4) Smink
5) Kläder
6) Godis
7) Smycken
8) Flygbiljett hem i maj
tisdag, oktober 21, 2008
fredag, oktober 10, 2008
I've not been updating this blog for two reasons;
1) I've sent e-mails instead
2) I'm already used to everything so there's nothing "special" happening that I can write about.
Recap of everything so far:
My host family is really nice. There's 6 students living here (including me) and the 'parents' and a bunch of animals. I share my room with a girl from Hong Kong and she's really nice. The rest of the students are from Belgium, Japan and Switzerland*2. The food is nice and I think I've gained like 5kgs already.
There's a lot of Belgians in school, more than half so a lot of people are speaking French. Other than that school is okay, maybe a bit too easy for me. The teachers are weird and they all look the same to me xD
I've been to Neuschwanstein, which is a beautiful castle, and it was very nice :) You had to walk uphill for like 40 minutes to get there but it was worth it :) I've also been to a whisky distillery with the host family and let me say something: Whiskey is so fucking disgusting XD
CBA to write more.
1) I've sent e-mails instead
2) I'm already used to everything so there's nothing "special" happening that I can write about.
Recap of everything so far:
My host family is really nice. There's 6 students living here (including me) and the 'parents' and a bunch of animals. I share my room with a girl from Hong Kong and she's really nice. The rest of the students are from Belgium, Japan and Switzerland*2. The food is nice and I think I've gained like 5kgs already.
There's a lot of Belgians in school, more than half so a lot of people are speaking French. Other than that school is okay, maybe a bit too easy for me. The teachers are weird and they all look the same to me xD
I've been to Neuschwanstein, which is a beautiful castle, and it was very nice :) You had to walk uphill for like 40 minutes to get there but it was worth it :) I've also been to a whisky distillery with the host family and let me say something: Whiskey is so fucking disgusting XD
CBA to write more.
måndag, oktober 06, 2008
fredag, oktober 03, 2008
"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Care package wanted":
please update! "
1) I don't like anonymous comments :(
2) I don't know what to write
3) I want a book to read
please update! "
1) I don't like anonymous comments :(
2) I don't know what to write
3) I want a book to read
söndag, september 28, 2008
fredag, september 26, 2008
"Hi Sara!
I found your blog and wondered if you could tell me more about the s-bahn tickets in München. I plan on going there and my friend tells me it's very expensive
Hi there stranger!
I don't really know much and it's pretty complicated but i can try to explain. München is divided into different "rings" and the further away from Ring 1 the more you have to pay. There are a million kind of tickets, one-way, Tagkarte, Wochenkarte, Monatskarte, Streifenkarte and so on.. I live in Ring 6 (pretty far away) so one Tagkarte costs 6.70€, and then I can go back and forth all day and a monthly tickets costs 80€. Eeh.. I don't really know anything more.. I'm new here ;) but yeah, it's expensive
I found your blog and wondered if you could tell me more about the s-bahn tickets in München. I plan on going there and my friend tells me it's very expensive
Hi there stranger!
I don't really know much and it's pretty complicated but i can try to explain. München is divided into different "rings" and the further away from Ring 1 the more you have to pay. There are a million kind of tickets, one-way, Tagkarte, Wochenkarte, Monatskarte, Streifenkarte and so on.. I live in Ring 6 (pretty far away) so one Tagkarte costs 6.70€, and then I can go back and forth all day and a monthly tickets costs 80€. Eeh.. I don't really know anything more.. I'm new here ;) but yeah, it's expensive
onsdag, september 24, 2008
Precis vad jag är. Sitter i en soffa på övervåningen och drömmer om en dusch. (Dock finns det inget varmvatten kvar, får vänta tills imorgon). Resan gick helt okej, Stockholmska är fult och österrikiska dialekter är nästan värre.
Det bor några studenter här, samlade från hela världen. Tror de sa att det kommer hit en från Norge snart :) Jeg snakker ikke norsk. Det finns en regel att man inte får prata något annat språk än tyska, så jag kommer förhoppningsvis lära och förbättra mig ganska snabbt :) Känns nästan redan som om jag blivit lite bättre på att förstå faktiskt. Dock är det ganska mkt som jag inte fattar...alla andra babblar på och jag ler artigt och nickar xD
I helgen är det dags för Oktoberfest, vilket förhoppningsvis blir skoj :) Herrn i huset (vars namn jag inte minns, jag måste snoka reda på det somehow) 'varnade' mig ;) Ölen är starka och stora och det är tydligen lätt att dricka för mycket. Sista spårvagnen hem ifrån München går 23:45 så då får jag se till att masa mig jag inte vill betala 80€ eller gå, såklart.
Här planeras det en utflykt till nått whiskeyställe nästa helg. Jag skippar det och åker och leker med Josh istället ;) Whiskey har aldrig varit min grej.. :P
Sara börjar bli trött och ska snart gå och lägga sig..och klockan är bara 21! Men jag måste gå upp tidigt imorgon (frukost klockan 7 och innan dess måste jag hinna duscha) Kvart i åtta beger vi oss till skolan där jag har någon introduktionsgrej.
Det bor några studenter här, samlade från hela världen. Tror de sa att det kommer hit en från Norge snart :) Jeg snakker ikke norsk. Det finns en regel att man inte får prata något annat språk än tyska, så jag kommer förhoppningsvis lära och förbättra mig ganska snabbt :) Känns nästan redan som om jag blivit lite bättre på att förstå faktiskt. Dock är det ganska mkt som jag inte fattar...alla andra babblar på och jag ler artigt och nickar xD
I helgen är det dags för Oktoberfest, vilket förhoppningsvis blir skoj :) Herrn i huset (vars namn jag inte minns, jag måste snoka reda på det somehow) 'varnade' mig ;) Ölen är starka och stora och det är tydligen lätt att dricka för mycket. Sista spårvagnen hem ifrån München går 23:45 så då får jag se till att masa mig jag inte vill betala 80€ eller gå, såklart.
Här planeras det en utflykt till nått whiskeyställe nästa helg. Jag skippar det och åker och leker med Josh istället ;) Whiskey har aldrig varit min grej.. :P
Sara börjar bli trött och ska snart gå och lägga sig..och klockan är bara 21! Men jag måste gå upp tidigt imorgon (frukost klockan 7 och innan dess måste jag hinna duscha) Kvart i åtta beger vi oss till skolan där jag har någon introduktionsgrej.
fredag, september 19, 2008
onsdag, september 17, 2008
måndag, september 15, 2008
There's a voice and a million answers...
To the questions I don't ask
A demon — I've got to contain
When I'm walking through the fen
Gonna deep into the black
There are whispers that I can't restrain
Don't give in
Rise to fame — time will come
Make your claim — time has come
For the crow to fly away
I'm listening to Avantasia and it fills me with a very special cozy feeling. I think about Wacken. I think about being in my tent listening to them play. Listening to the crowd. Listening to our neighbors talking to Bill/Bob about whiskey. It's a special feeling. I like Avantasia.
A demon — I've got to contain
When I'm walking through the fen
Gonna deep into the black
There are whispers that I can't restrain
Don't give in
Rise to fame — time will come
Make your claim — time has come
For the crow to fly away
I'm listening to Avantasia and it fills me with a very special cozy feeling. I think about Wacken. I think about being in my tent listening to them play. Listening to the crowd. Listening to our neighbors talking to Bill/Bob about whiskey. It's a special feeling. I like Avantasia.
onsdag, september 10, 2008
MSN is retarded
I hate it. Fuck you MSN! It has been acting weird for days, suddenly signing me out or not sending my messages.. Tried reinstalling it but didn't help. I hate it!
Soo, everyone.. When I leave without saying bye it's because MSN is fucking up, I'm not blocking you I swear :)
Aaaanyway.. Bought a new camera yesterday so I'll be taking lots of pics in Germany :) and maybe a few before I go as well
This is what I'll do to make the time go faster
11/9 - Nothing special. Going to take a walk around the canal if it doesn't rain
12/9 - Waste of time
13/9 - Going to Gothenburg to see Lucy
14/9 - Waste of time
15/9 - Waste of time
16/9 - Waste of time
17/9 - Waste of time
18/9 - Waste of time
19/9 - Waste of time
20/9 - Waste of time
21/9 - Waste of time
22/9 - Waste of time
23/9 - Going to Gothenburg and spending the day there. Sleeping at Emma's
24/9 - Going to Germany. Plane leaves at 6.35 so I have to get up 3ish.
Soo, everyone.. When I leave without saying bye it's because MSN is fucking up, I'm not blocking you I swear :)
Aaaanyway.. Bought a new camera yesterday so I'll be taking lots of pics in Germany :) and maybe a few before I go as well
This is what I'll do to make the time go faster
11/9 - Nothing special. Going to take a walk around the canal if it doesn't rain
12/9 - Waste of time
13/9 - Going to Gothenburg to see Lucy
14/9 - Waste of time
15/9 - Waste of time
16/9 - Waste of time
17/9 - Waste of time
18/9 - Waste of time
19/9 - Waste of time
20/9 - Waste of time
21/9 - Waste of time
22/9 - Waste of time
23/9 - Going to Gothenburg and spending the day there. Sleeping at Emma's
24/9 - Going to Germany. Plane leaves at 6.35 so I have to get up 3ish.
I did it
although I was a little nervous at first
I've packed.
Almost everything.
I'm ready to go.
14 days left.
Want. to. go. now.
I've packed.
Almost everything.
I'm ready to go.
14 days left.
Want. to. go. now.
måndag, september 08, 2008
Blixtar och dunder, magiska under
I love thunderstorms. I love watching the lightnings. I love hearing the muffled rumbling. I love it.
All of a sudden the sky turned pitch black, only to be split by an occasional lightning, and I'm sitting alone in the living room with no lights on. It's wonderful! I have that nice "this is where i belong" feeling and i'm totally enjoying this. I see people running outside, trying to get away from the rain.
love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

Random survey
Do you have an unusual name?: No
Are you left or right handed?: Right
Are you smart?: Avarage
What is your education level?: Gymnasiexamen
Do you get along well with others?: Depends on the other
Do you like/love your job?: Don't have one
Are you a morning, afternoon or evening person?: Night
Do you read for learning or entertainment?: entertainment
Do you have friends in other states?: folk off americans
Do you have relatives living nearby?: yes
Do you have wellness checkups?: no
Do you like being the center of attention?: sometimes
Can you tell a good joke?: nah
Has anything remarkable ever happened to you?: Like what?
Do you believe in miracles?: sometimes
Do you own any pets?: Alice
What are your hobbies?: Got none
What is your favorite season?: winter
Have you ever been on a blind date?: sort of
Have you fixed up a friend on a blind date?: No
Do you like large parties or intimate get togethers?: intimate get togethers
Do you shop at garage sales?: Nno
Does everything happen for a reason?: some things does
Do you have a favorite saying and what is it?: skandal
Do you like to dance and can you dance?: No/no
Have you ever been in a parade and why?: Tomteparaden!
Did you watch any of the Olympics?: yes
Can you play any sports?: no
Have you ever won a sports competition?: basketball tournament
What is your favorite meal?: Tacos
Do you have a perfect driving record?: Yes
Have you ever been fingerprinted for school or job?: No
What is your favorite holiday?: Christmas
What is your favorite article of clothing?: Skirt
Are you always late for appointments?: No, always tooo early
Do you usually bottle up your feelings?: yes
Would you help a stranded motorist?: depends on how he/she looked
Have you ever had to call 911?: I'm not american
Have you ever held a snake?: folk off
Do you try to make your dreams come true?: i suppose
Are you loving life?: sometimes
Are you an outdoorsy person?: no
Do you shop at Wal-Mart?: im not american
Can you rub your head and pat your belly at the same time?: can you bite your ear?
All of a sudden the sky turned pitch black, only to be split by an occasional lightning, and I'm sitting alone in the living room with no lights on. It's wonderful! I have that nice "this is where i belong" feeling and i'm totally enjoying this. I see people running outside, trying to get away from the rain.
love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

Random survey
Do you have an unusual name?: No
Are you left or right handed?: Right
Are you smart?: Avarage
What is your education level?: Gymnasiexamen
Do you get along well with others?: Depends on the other
Do you like/love your job?: Don't have one
Are you a morning, afternoon or evening person?: Night
Do you read for learning or entertainment?: entertainment
Do you have friends in other states?: folk off americans
Do you have relatives living nearby?: yes
Do you have wellness checkups?: no
Do you like being the center of attention?: sometimes
Can you tell a good joke?: nah
Has anything remarkable ever happened to you?: Like what?
Do you believe in miracles?: sometimes
Do you own any pets?: Alice
What are your hobbies?: Got none
What is your favorite season?: winter
Have you ever been on a blind date?: sort of
Have you fixed up a friend on a blind date?: No
Do you like large parties or intimate get togethers?: intimate get togethers
Do you shop at garage sales?: Nno
Does everything happen for a reason?: some things does
Do you have a favorite saying and what is it?: skandal
Do you like to dance and can you dance?: No/no
Have you ever been in a parade and why?: Tomteparaden!
Did you watch any of the Olympics?: yes
Can you play any sports?: no
Have you ever won a sports competition?: basketball tournament
What is your favorite meal?: Tacos
Do you have a perfect driving record?: Yes
Have you ever been fingerprinted for school or job?: No
What is your favorite holiday?: Christmas
What is your favorite article of clothing?: Skirt
Are you always late for appointments?: No, always tooo early
Do you usually bottle up your feelings?: yes
Would you help a stranded motorist?: depends on how he/she looked
Have you ever had to call 911?: I'm not american
Have you ever held a snake?: folk off
Do you try to make your dreams come true?: i suppose
Are you loving life?: sometimes
Are you an outdoorsy person?: no
Do you shop at Wal-Mart?: im not american
Can you rub your head and pat your belly at the same time?: can you bite your ear?
tisdag, augusti 26, 2008
torsdag, augusti 21, 2008
fredag, augusti 15, 2008
lördag, augusti 09, 2008
Aus allen Zweifeln steht es auf..
Es widerspricht dem Zeitenlauf
Es wird aus Liebe auferstehn
Kannst du es spürn
Dein Herz schlägt
I take no responsibility for the quality of my English in the following post. I'm tired and I'm feverish so excuse all my stupid mistakes.
Dear blog, I've been a bad neglectant girl again, no updates in forever. Not much going on in my life right now ;) My uncle died, I went to the biggest metal festival in the world, hopefully I'll get my driver's license soon. As you can see, not that much.
Sticking to the cheerful topic; Wacken Open Air.
It was amazing. Really.The bus ride down was pretty eventful; four people puked on the bus, one peed on a table and a really nasty drunk guy (later we found out his name was Jakob) hit another man because he looked too much like his friend. As you might have guessed I didn't get much sleep that night and after putting up our tent and checking out the festival area and the small village of Wacken I fell asleep in our tent. Was awake for 27 hours straight I think.
Me on the bus:

Finally getting some sleep:

Woke up I few hours later and found Emelie sleeping sweetly next to me. Unfortunately I was wide awake. I placed my fine tush in my camping chair right outside our tent and watched and listen to Wacken by night. It amazes me we were able to sleep at all that week, Wacken by night isn't exactly silent :) People running around screaming, music blaring, abuse of megaphones. I loved it ;)
Anyway, after sitting there alone, except for various men offering me their services, I heard calling: "Hey, you sitting there alone. Come join us instead" The voice came from a Dutch guy sitting with his friend a few meters away, and I shyly moved my pretty little tush over to them. After some time more Dutch people came and I was understanding less and less of the conversations so finally, around 5 am I went to bed.
Dutch people:

Finally got to see my beloved Mustasch. They rule. Ralf rules. Ostkaka är gott.

It was so god damn warm outside we decided to take a shower. Yes there were showers, believe it or not. For the reasonable price of 2.5€ you could freshen up in an Auschwitz look-a-like place with ice cold water. Might not have been one of the most pleasurable showers I've had, but it was definitely worth it :) Since we didn't bring towels we were running around nekkid for a while before we decided to put our clothes back on and let the sun do the rest of the job :)
Later that night it was Maiden time. Emelie and I totally mocked them and I bet we were the ones having the most fun ;) We came up with a million versions of "Fear of the dark", what do you think of fear of the shark, fear of the shaaaark, i have a constant feeling someone's eating me.
After Maiden we spent some more time with our Dutch neighbour, but this time we also met some Swedes and Emelie got hit on by a Leprechaun.
We decided to take a walk around the camping area and Emelie's burping led us into a nice conversation to this man:
Poor guy was lost and of course we offered to help him find his way back to his camp, even though we had no idea of where he lived ;) We think his name is Jürg, he's a German man with Swedish relatives (we spoke a little Swedish to him. He's sad they don't have wild strawberries (smultron) in Germany, 'cause he really loves them). He talked about his trip to Australia which included several dead kangaroos, mocking of friends being attacked by magpies and an unpaid speeding ticket which doesn't allow him to go back for another 6 years. Haha, he had so many stupid stories, and for the sake of humor in life I hope they were all true :)
We had a loooot of bands to see today. I can't really remember them all, but we had a busy day. I was really looking forward to seeing Sonata Arctica again but I got so disappointed. Tony Kakko (the singer) is usually very cheery and hey-ho-let's-go-y but this time he was stressed and seemed irritated. :( I expected more from them :(
We had a few hours with no bands at night and we decided to head back to our tent for a quick rest. Besides, my back hurt soooo bad I needed to lay down for a bit. Unfortunately Emelie fell asleep and proved to be completely unwakable so I missed Avantasia :(
Fun fact: Children of Bodom did a cover of Umbrella ;)
Went back into the village to buy some necessities: knäckebröd and wurrmi. We spent most of our day in our tent doing weird Sara-and-Emelie stuff and it was fun as always ;)
Me getting stuck in my sweater. Emelie says I look like Timon from Timon and Pumba

Emelie didn't like all the bugs in our tent so she decided to eat a spider:

Didn't do much at all. We were tired, filthy and warm. Besides, we wouldn't want to go to bed too late and miss our bus home.
What a looooong day. We were on that bus forever! We ended up sitting next to the guy who got in a fight on the way down. He was talking about how women is responsible to all violence in the world because "their pussies get all wet when they see men fighting. If they just didn't like macho men no one would ever fight again". Wow. Yeah. Really. There's nothing sexier than watching a wasted man jump a sleeping man in a bus. Please take me. Now. (note the sarcasm) He also thinks it's totally okay for men to cheat on their ladies, since that only proves he loves them. What? Huh? What world does the man live in? Women shouldn't cheat though "She'll fall in love with the new cock"
It got even worse when he started hitting on Emelie and putting his hand on her thigh. We went to the bathroom and just happened to switch seats when we got back ;)
Due to a traffic jam in Germany we almost missed or bus home. We made it by just a couple of minutes :) After I 14 hour long bus ride I finally got home and took a well earned shower <3
Es wird aus Liebe auferstehn
Kannst du es spürn
Dein Herz schlägt
I take no responsibility for the quality of my English in the following post. I'm tired and I'm feverish so excuse all my stupid mistakes.
Dear blog, I've been a bad neglectant girl again, no updates in forever. Not much going on in my life right now ;) My uncle died, I went to the biggest metal festival in the world, hopefully I'll get my driver's license soon. As you can see, not that much.
Sticking to the cheerful topic; Wacken Open Air.
It was amazing. Really.The bus ride down was pretty eventful; four people puked on the bus, one peed on a table and a really nasty drunk guy (later we found out his name was Jakob) hit another man because he looked too much like his friend. As you might have guessed I didn't get much sleep that night and after putting up our tent and checking out the festival area and the small village of Wacken I fell asleep in our tent. Was awake for 27 hours straight I think.
Me on the bus:

Finally getting some sleep:

Woke up I few hours later and found Emelie sleeping sweetly next to me. Unfortunately I was wide awake. I placed my fine tush in my camping chair right outside our tent and watched and listen to Wacken by night. It amazes me we were able to sleep at all that week, Wacken by night isn't exactly silent :) People running around screaming, music blaring, abuse of megaphones. I loved it ;)
Anyway, after sitting there alone, except for various men offering me their services, I heard calling: "Hey, you sitting there alone. Come join us instead" The voice came from a Dutch guy sitting with his friend a few meters away, and I shyly moved my pretty little tush over to them. After some time more Dutch people came and I was understanding less and less of the conversations so finally, around 5 am I went to bed.
Dutch people:

Finally got to see my beloved Mustasch. They rule. Ralf rules. Ostkaka är gott.

It was so god damn warm outside we decided to take a shower. Yes there were showers, believe it or not. For the reasonable price of 2.5€ you could freshen up in an Auschwitz look-a-like place with ice cold water. Might not have been one of the most pleasurable showers I've had, but it was definitely worth it :) Since we didn't bring towels we were running around nekkid for a while before we decided to put our clothes back on and let the sun do the rest of the job :)
Later that night it was Maiden time. Emelie and I totally mocked them and I bet we were the ones having the most fun ;) We came up with a million versions of "Fear of the dark", what do you think of fear of the shark, fear of the shaaaark, i have a constant feeling someone's eating me.
After Maiden we spent some more time with our Dutch neighbour, but this time we also met some Swedes and Emelie got hit on by a Leprechaun.
We decided to take a walk around the camping area and Emelie's burping led us into a nice conversation to this man:

Poor guy was lost and of course we offered to help him find his way back to his camp, even though we had no idea of where he lived ;) We think his name is Jürg, he's a German man with Swedish relatives (we spoke a little Swedish to him. He's sad they don't have wild strawberries (smultron) in Germany, 'cause he really loves them). He talked about his trip to Australia which included several dead kangaroos, mocking of friends being attacked by magpies and an unpaid speeding ticket which doesn't allow him to go back for another 6 years. Haha, he had so many stupid stories, and for the sake of humor in life I hope they were all true :)
We had a loooot of bands to see today. I can't really remember them all, but we had a busy day. I was really looking forward to seeing Sonata Arctica again but I got so disappointed. Tony Kakko (the singer) is usually very cheery and hey-ho-let's-go-y but this time he was stressed and seemed irritated. :( I expected more from them :(
We had a few hours with no bands at night and we decided to head back to our tent for a quick rest. Besides, my back hurt soooo bad I needed to lay down for a bit. Unfortunately Emelie fell asleep and proved to be completely unwakable so I missed Avantasia :(
Fun fact: Children of Bodom did a cover of Umbrella ;)
Went back into the village to buy some necessities: knäckebröd and wurrmi. We spent most of our day in our tent doing weird Sara-and-Emelie stuff and it was fun as always ;)
Me getting stuck in my sweater. Emelie says I look like Timon from Timon and Pumba

Emelie didn't like all the bugs in our tent so she decided to eat a spider:

Didn't do much at all. We were tired, filthy and warm. Besides, we wouldn't want to go to bed too late and miss our bus home.
What a looooong day. We were on that bus forever! We ended up sitting next to the guy who got in a fight on the way down. He was talking about how women is responsible to all violence in the world because "their pussies get all wet when they see men fighting. If they just didn't like macho men no one would ever fight again". Wow. Yeah. Really. There's nothing sexier than watching a wasted man jump a sleeping man in a bus. Please take me. Now. (note the sarcasm) He also thinks it's totally okay for men to cheat on their ladies, since that only proves he loves them. What? Huh? What world does the man live in? Women shouldn't cheat though "She'll fall in love with the new cock"
It got even worse when he started hitting on Emelie and putting his hand on her thigh. We went to the bathroom and just happened to switch seats when we got back ;)
Due to a traffic jam in Germany we almost missed or bus home. We made it by just a couple of minutes :) After I 14 hour long bus ride I finally got home and took a well earned shower <3
torsdag, juli 03, 2008
has been fun but exhausting. Emelie, Emil and I went down to the lock by the canal and had ice-cream and took weird pictures. Then we decided to keep on cycling and we finally ended up at Överby. We ate and went back.. (one way trip takes one hour). The road is hilly and my legs are so sore now. I never ever ride a bike so it was really hard for me, especially on the way back haha XD
I also uploaded some pics from our bbq here and a few more here. Go have a look if you're interested :P
Hoho, I asked Bandit to play Rammstein - Sonne and they did :D
I also uploaded some pics from our bbq here and a few more here. Go have a look if you're interested :P
Hoho, I asked Bandit to play Rammstein - Sonne and they did :D
tisdag, juli 01, 2008
My name is Moody. Fucking Moody.
Haha I'm such a bitch right now XD PMS + Trying to eat less sugar = Bitchy Sara. I've realized I eat a lot of junk food and I'm trying to stop. It's difficult, makes me kranky and I'm nauseous. That's what the detoxing of sugar can do to you. Meh.
Anyway.. Went down to the lake with Emelie and Emil but we never got in.. It was chilly and the water had a mysterious green color :O We decided to have a mini-bbq instead :) It was very nice although I wasn't in the mood to do..anything really. I just kept thinking of candy, chips/crisps and sodas... *drool*
So, day one without junk food: Irritated, head ache, nauseous.
Anyway.. Went down to the lake with Emelie and Emil but we never got in.. It was chilly and the water had a mysterious green color :O We decided to have a mini-bbq instead :) It was very nice although I wasn't in the mood to do..anything really. I just kept thinking of candy, chips/crisps and sodas... *drool*
So, day one without junk food: Irritated, head ache, nauseous.
torsdag, juni 26, 2008
onsdag, juni 25, 2008
Måste måla allt med färger i en vind
Had my, in lack of better word, risk driving today. I basically got to test how to drive in slippery conditions and how the car acts in a car without ABS. It was really fun and I think I did pretty well :D We also got to practice overtaking other cars and stuff like that. Did you know that a person who weighs 70kg weighs 3 TONS in a crash (50km/h)? Personally I would weigh 2300kg, and my head 250 kg ;). Maybe it's time for me to lose some weight. A normal beer bottle would be 24kg! :O Haha, see - I learned a lot today.
And Josh was still up when I got home so I got to talk to him, and that's always delightful =D Keeping to the positive, Emelie is coming home so I finally have someone to play with :D My beloved Burnout friend =D It has been a nice day and I hope tomorrow will bring a lot of joy too.
And Josh was still up when I got home so I got to talk to him, and that's always delightful =D Keeping to the positive, Emelie is coming home so I finally have someone to play with :D My beloved Burnout friend =D It has been a nice day and I hope tomorrow will bring a lot of joy too.

måndag, juni 23, 2008
The Quest of the Lost Internet
It's a fact. I should stay away from computers. They hate me, I love them.
The Quest of the (not yet) Lost Internet started yesterday. Dad, Emma and I went to Gothenburg to buy me a laptop, which we did. We also ate a lot of ice cream.
Once back home I started fiddling with my new baby and a router I got from Emma. I shouldn't have. Lost the connection to the Net and didn't get it back until today XD Then we (Jonas and I) started fiddling again and lost the connection once more. After a lot of drama we said "Fuck the router" and my laptop is still Internet-less, and it might stay that way until I get to Germany. Unless I get a wireless modem thing.
As you might have noticed Internet is back, but I didn't get to chat with my aussie :( :(
Guess who I met last week? Yeah, you're right! Lucy! :D She has uploaded a few pics and you can find them here. I know I look like shit, but that's what happens when I get up at 6 am to work :O My hair is fucked up and I look tired and sweaty. Well well. The things I do for money.
Speaking of that, I've been working with Andreas and that's just fun :D I love our weird conversations :D Looks like there won't be much more work though :( No money and no lame excuse to spend the days with my boy bitch :O

Andreas: There used to be something there! What?! :O
Sara: A wall!
Andreas: Oh!
Random pic of our lunch:

Random ice cream pic:

Random pic of a boob, just because Andreas loves them:

Andreas touched mine today :M How dare he.
I'll finish this off with a survey ;)
Hopes, Dreams, Thoughts and all that
About Me
First name?: Sara
Nickname?: Mainly Saris
Gender?: Female
D.O.B?: December 17th '89
Height?: 1.79
Weight?: fuck off
Hair color?: Brownish
Eye color?: Blue
Skin tone?: White
Freckles?: Yes
Sexuality?: Straight
Relationship status?: In like ;)
Food?: Tacos, chicken salad
Drink?: Milk, Fanta
Color?: Deep red
TV Show?: Lost
Type of Music?: Industrial
Band/Singer?: Rammstein
Movie?: Lilja 4-ever
Movie Star?: Johnny Depp
Scent?: Guys with a nice perfume
City?: Göteborg atm
Author?: Stephen King
Book?: Stephen King - The Talisman and/or The stand
Animal?: Alice
Flower?: Meh
Your Friends
Which friend is most fun to hang out with?: All of them
Who is the weirdest?: Sofie ;)
Who makes you happiest?: Emelie I think :)
Who do you talk to when you're down?: Emelie
Who do you have a crush on?: Joshie Poshie :P
Hopes, Dreams, Thoughts
Describe your perfect guy/girl: Someone who's funny and sweet
Describe your perfect first date: Something relaxing ang laid back
Where in the world would you most like to live?: Continental Europe
Would you like to have kids? If so, when and how many?: I'm not sure.
What would you like your life to be like in five years time?: I'd like to live in Germany and have a job
What's your dream job?: I don't know. One at an airport i think
What's your biggest hope for the future?: That i'd be happy
If you could experience one thing in your life again, what would it be?: Rammstein!
What's your favorite thing to daydream about?: Germany :D
If you could live in any period in history, when would you live?: I'm fond of this one. But the Medievals are kind of cool too
What's your happiest memory?: Rammstein
What's your saddest memory?: Let's not go there
If you had a superpower, what would it be? And what would you use it for?: I don't know :O
What fantasy creature do you most wish was real?: Pegasus'
What's your favorite thing about yourself?: I'm not sure
What would you most like to change about yourself?: Face
Would you like to know what your future holds?: Nah
Are you happy?: Sometimes
If yes, what are the things that make you happy?: People I like
If you could be a fictional character, who would it be? And why?: Sookie Stackhouse, I'd want to be close to Eric ;)
Did you enjoy taking this survey?: It was okay
The Quest of the (not yet) Lost Internet started yesterday. Dad, Emma and I went to Gothenburg to buy me a laptop, which we did. We also ate a lot of ice cream.
Once back home I started fiddling with my new baby and a router I got from Emma. I shouldn't have. Lost the connection to the Net and didn't get it back until today XD Then we (Jonas and I) started fiddling again and lost the connection once more. After a lot of drama we said "Fuck the router" and my laptop is still Internet-less, and it might stay that way until I get to Germany. Unless I get a wireless modem thing.
As you might have noticed Internet is back, but I didn't get to chat with my aussie :( :(
Guess who I met last week? Yeah, you're right! Lucy! :D She has uploaded a few pics and you can find them here. I know I look like shit, but that's what happens when I get up at 6 am to work :O My hair is fucked up and I look tired and sweaty. Well well. The things I do for money.
Speaking of that, I've been working with Andreas and that's just fun :D I love our weird conversations :D Looks like there won't be much more work though :( No money and no lame excuse to spend the days with my boy bitch :O
Andreas: There used to be something there! What?! :O
Sara: A wall!
Andreas: Oh!
Random pic of our lunch:
Random ice cream pic:
Random pic of a boob, just because Andreas loves them:
Andreas touched mine today :M How dare he.
I'll finish this off with a survey ;)
Hopes, Dreams, Thoughts and all that
About Me
First name?: Sara
Nickname?: Mainly Saris
Gender?: Female
D.O.B?: December 17th '89
Height?: 1.79
Weight?: fuck off
Hair color?: Brownish
Eye color?: Blue
Skin tone?: White
Freckles?: Yes
Sexuality?: Straight
Relationship status?: In like ;)
Food?: Tacos, chicken salad
Drink?: Milk, Fanta
Color?: Deep red
TV Show?: Lost
Type of Music?: Industrial
Band/Singer?: Rammstein
Movie?: Lilja 4-ever
Movie Star?: Johnny Depp
Scent?: Guys with a nice perfume
City?: Göteborg atm
Author?: Stephen King
Book?: Stephen King - The Talisman and/or The stand
Animal?: Alice
Flower?: Meh
Your Friends
Which friend is most fun to hang out with?: All of them
Who is the weirdest?: Sofie ;)
Who makes you happiest?: Emelie I think :)
Who do you talk to when you're down?: Emelie
Who do you have a crush on?: Joshie Poshie :P
Hopes, Dreams, Thoughts
Describe your perfect guy/girl: Someone who's funny and sweet
Describe your perfect first date: Something relaxing ang laid back
Where in the world would you most like to live?: Continental Europe
Would you like to have kids? If so, when and how many?: I'm not sure.
What would you like your life to be like in five years time?: I'd like to live in Germany and have a job
What's your dream job?: I don't know. One at an airport i think
What's your biggest hope for the future?: That i'd be happy
If you could experience one thing in your life again, what would it be?: Rammstein!
What's your favorite thing to daydream about?: Germany :D
If you could live in any period in history, when would you live?: I'm fond of this one. But the Medievals are kind of cool too
What's your happiest memory?: Rammstein
What's your saddest memory?: Let's not go there
If you had a superpower, what would it be? And what would you use it for?: I don't know :O
What fantasy creature do you most wish was real?: Pegasus'
What's your favorite thing about yourself?: I'm not sure
What would you most like to change about yourself?: Face
Would you like to know what your future holds?: Nah
Are you happy?: Sometimes
If yes, what are the things that make you happy?: People I like
If you could be a fictional character, who would it be? And why?: Sookie Stackhouse, I'd want to be close to Eric ;)
Did you enjoy taking this survey?: It was okay
torsdag, juni 12, 2008
måndag, juni 09, 2008
I've been working with Randy Mandy-Andy who is Handy when you want Candy today. He just started to giggle for no reason, that little oddball <3 He's strong as an ox too.
While packing I found this:
My first English text book! :D I had to browse through it and I remembered most of it XD Welcome to Charlie's restaurant, what would you like today? Hamburger, chips, and something to drink. It's four pounds and forty five. Here you are! *singing* Oh the memories. That text book was so easy! The first page was all about saying hello! (and yeah, I sort of remember that song too; "Hi hello how are you? Fine thanks and you..something something.. see you later bye bye")
Oh, the memories...
While packing I found this:
My first English text book! :D I had to browse through it and I remembered most of it XD Welcome to Charlie's restaurant, what would you like today? Hamburger, chips, and something to drink. It's four pounds and forty five. Here you are! *singing* Oh the memories. That text book was so easy! The first page was all about saying hello! (and yeah, I sort of remember that song too; "Hi hello how are you? Fine thanks and you..something something.. see you later bye bye")
Oh, the memories...
söndag, juni 08, 2008
another survey thing
1. What is Your Name? Sara
2. How old are you? 18
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? Have a guess
4. What is your height? 1.79m
5. Do you have any siblings? Johan and Emma
6. What is your eye colour? Blue
7. What is your hair colour? brown....?
8. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Not anymore
9. Are you right handed or left handed? Right
10. Do you have any piercings? Yes
11. Do you smoke? No
12. Do you swear? Fan heller
13. Do you get along with your parents? Yes
14. Your heritage: Swedish
15. Your fears: Snakes, heights, being lonely
16. Goal you would like to achieve this year: Dunno
17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger: xD
18. Best Physical Feature: Dunno
19. Your bedtime: Midnight ->
20. What time do you arise in the morning? 9-10
21. First thoughts waking up? Blädsfsmdof
22. Do you shower daily? Yes
This Or That?
23. Bright or dark room? Dark
24. Chocolate or vanilla? Lemon
25. Dogs of cats? Cat
26. Pepsi or Coke? Fanta
27. McDonalds or Burger King? Max
28. Ant or Dec?
29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Milk
30. Cappuccino or Coffee? Coffee
In the last month have you...
31. Drank alcohol? Yes
32. Gone to a mall? Yes
33. Eaten a box of Oreos? No
34. Eaten sushi? No
35. Been on stage? No
36. Been dumped? No
37. Gone skinny dipping? No
38. Stolen Anything? No
Have you ever...
39. Laughed for no reason? Haha, all the time
40. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? I can do whatever i want
41. Been in love? I don't know
42. Fired a gun? No
43. Been drunk? Yes
44. Been called a Tease? No
45. Been beaten up? No
46. Shoplifted? No
What was the last....
47. Furry thing you touched? Alice
48. Thing you've said? Nää
49. Song you've listened to? Duck Tales oooh ooh
50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? Emma
51. Movie you watched? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
52. Thing you were doing before this? Youtube-ing
53. Time you cried? last week
54. Song you've sang? Duck tales
55. Time you looked at the clock? I did it now
56. Food and drink you've had? Milk
57. Flavour of gum you've chewed? Don't remember
58. Shoes you've worn? flip flops
59. Store you've been in? Kvantum
60. Planet? Earth?
61. Age you've been so far? 17
62. Season? winter
63. Number? 17
64. TV show? Lost
65. Flower? Rose?
66. How much cash do you have on you? 60.5 kr
67. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? floor
68. What T-Shirt are you wearing? A fugly pink one
69. What brand of shoes are you wearing? Swedes don't wear shoes inside
70. What did your last text message say? "Gott:) Jag ligger bara och solar. Hatar att inte orka nåt."
71. What were you doing at midnight last night? something with emil and emelie
72. What's your current desktop picture? a waterfall
73. What's a word that you say a lot? skandal
74. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? white
75. How is the weather right now? sunny and windy
76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair xD
77. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yeah
78. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? No
79. Who would you like to see right now? Sofie
80. How many pillows do you sleep with? i got three in my bed
81. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? no
82. How do you want to die? painless
83. What do you want to be when you grow up? happy
84. What country would you most like to visit? Eastern Russia ;D
85. How many CDs do you own? A lot
86. How many things, in your past, do you regret? A lot
87. Do you think you are attractive? No
88. Do you believe in yourself? No
89. Do you want to get married? i don't know. I want to wear a pretty dress
In a boy/girl...
90. Favourite eye colour? dark
91. Favourite hair colour? dark
92. Short or long hair? longish?
93. Height? taller than me
94. Weight? skinny :D
2. How old are you? 18
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? Have a guess
4. What is your height? 1.79m
5. Do you have any siblings? Johan and Emma
6. What is your eye colour? Blue
7. What is your hair colour? brown....?
8. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Not anymore
9. Are you right handed or left handed? Right
10. Do you have any piercings? Yes
11. Do you smoke? No
12. Do you swear? Fan heller
13. Do you get along with your parents? Yes
14. Your heritage: Swedish
15. Your fears: Snakes, heights, being lonely
16. Goal you would like to achieve this year: Dunno
17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger: xD
18. Best Physical Feature: Dunno
19. Your bedtime: Midnight ->
20. What time do you arise in the morning? 9-10
21. First thoughts waking up? Blädsfsmdof
22. Do you shower daily? Yes
This Or That?
23. Bright or dark room? Dark
24. Chocolate or vanilla? Lemon
25. Dogs of cats? Cat
26. Pepsi or Coke? Fanta
27. McDonalds or Burger King? Max
28. Ant or Dec?
29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? Milk
30. Cappuccino or Coffee? Coffee
In the last month have you...
31. Drank alcohol? Yes
32. Gone to a mall? Yes
33. Eaten a box of Oreos? No
34. Eaten sushi? No
35. Been on stage? No
36. Been dumped? No
37. Gone skinny dipping? No
38. Stolen Anything? No
Have you ever...
39. Laughed for no reason? Haha, all the time
40. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? I can do whatever i want
41. Been in love? I don't know
42. Fired a gun? No
43. Been drunk? Yes
44. Been called a Tease? No
45. Been beaten up? No
46. Shoplifted? No
What was the last....
47. Furry thing you touched? Alice
48. Thing you've said? Nää
49. Song you've listened to? Duck Tales oooh ooh
50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? Emma
51. Movie you watched? Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
52. Thing you were doing before this? Youtube-ing
53. Time you cried? last week
54. Song you've sang? Duck tales
55. Time you looked at the clock? I did it now
56. Food and drink you've had? Milk
57. Flavour of gum you've chewed? Don't remember
58. Shoes you've worn? flip flops
59. Store you've been in? Kvantum
60. Planet? Earth?
61. Age you've been so far? 17
62. Season? winter
63. Number? 17
64. TV show? Lost
65. Flower? Rose?
66. How much cash do you have on you? 60.5 kr
67. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? floor
68. What T-Shirt are you wearing? A fugly pink one
69. What brand of shoes are you wearing? Swedes don't wear shoes inside
70. What did your last text message say? "Gott:) Jag ligger bara och solar. Hatar att inte orka nåt."
71. What were you doing at midnight last night? something with emil and emelie
72. What's your current desktop picture? a waterfall
73. What's a word that you say a lot? skandal
74. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? white
75. How is the weather right now? sunny and windy
76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair xD
77. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Yeah
78. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? No
79. Who would you like to see right now? Sofie
80. How many pillows do you sleep with? i got three in my bed
81. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? no
82. How do you want to die? painless
83. What do you want to be when you grow up? happy
84. What country would you most like to visit? Eastern Russia ;D
85. How many CDs do you own? A lot
86. How many things, in your past, do you regret? A lot
87. Do you think you are attractive? No
88. Do you believe in yourself? No
89. Do you want to get married? i don't know. I want to wear a pretty dress
In a boy/girl...
90. Favourite eye colour? dark
91. Favourite hair colour? dark
92. Short or long hair? longish?
93. Height? taller than me
94. Weight? skinny :D
torsdag, juni 05, 2008
Spent the day with the luurvely Emelie and Sofie in Gothenburg :D ["You guys are so goth, you live in a city called Gothenburg" - Turbonegro]
The city was full of graduates and they were all singing and dancing :D I have to admit I started crying! That will be us NEXT week!!! :D:D:D:D At the end of "Avenyn" all students were dancing and splashing around in the fountain! There were a couple of Japanese tourists (man, they're everywhere) laughing and taking pictures of it. So of course I made Sofie take a pic of the tourists ;)
Next step was to find a stupid souvenir shop and after hours of gruesome wandering we stumbled upon it in an alley. Did they have the shirt I was looking for? No, of course not. Pricks.
After a "quick" lunch stop at McDonalds we took a tram to Järntorget where Emelie bought a cute parasol. She looks like a real lady now :) A stranger, possibly an Indian tourist?, thought she was so pretty he had to take her picture :D My pwetty, pwetty friend. Who cares about your evil demon eye, you're hot anyway!
Now I'm back home studying. I've nothing to do and I'm hoping that Sofie and/or Emelie will upload some of the pics we took =D I really want to see our beloved Japanese people again ;)
The city was full of graduates and they were all singing and dancing :D I have to admit I started crying! That will be us NEXT week!!! :D:D:D:D At the end of "Avenyn" all students were dancing and splashing around in the fountain! There were a couple of Japanese tourists (man, they're everywhere) laughing and taking pictures of it. So of course I made Sofie take a pic of the tourists ;)
Next step was to find a stupid souvenir shop and after hours of gruesome wandering we stumbled upon it in an alley. Did they have the shirt I was looking for? No, of course not. Pricks.
After a "quick" lunch stop at McDonalds we took a tram to Järntorget where Emelie bought a cute parasol. She looks like a real lady now :) A stranger, possibly an Indian tourist?, thought she was so pretty he had to take her picture :D My pwetty, pwetty friend. Who cares about your evil demon eye, you're hot anyway!
Now I'm back home studying. I've nothing to do and I'm hoping that Sofie and/or Emelie will upload some of the pics we took =D I really want to see our beloved Japanese people again ;)
måndag, juni 02, 2008
The summer heat
I always forget how hot the summer's are (and you non-swedes have no right to laugh :M 30° Celsius is excruciating) and I need a new sun block. My shoulders are already burnt and they're stinging :(
Äsch, nu är jag för lat för att skriva på engelska. Måhända att jag orkar översätta det senare men nu är det svenska som gäller.
Jag kidnappade Mr. Andy och Ms. Emelie och förde mina fångar in mot staden där det var tänkt att äta glass. Dock hamnade vi på Italia istället, det såg helt enkelt så mysigt ut. Vårt sällskap växte när Emil kom, och efter ett tag även Timmy. Jag tyckte det var väldigt mysigt, det får vi göra om någon gång =D
Övningskörde lite på kvällen och jag tycker det gick bra. Fickparkering och landsväg, piece of cake ;)
Äsch, nu är jag för lat för att skriva på engelska. Måhända att jag orkar översätta det senare men nu är det svenska som gäller.
Jag kidnappade Mr. Andy och Ms. Emelie och förde mina fångar in mot staden där det var tänkt att äta glass. Dock hamnade vi på Italia istället, det såg helt enkelt så mysigt ut. Vårt sällskap växte när Emil kom, och efter ett tag även Timmy. Jag tyckte det var väldigt mysigt, det får vi göra om någon gång =D
Övningskörde lite på kvällen och jag tycker det gick bra. Fickparkering och landsväg, piece of cake ;)
Der President ist tod
Weird day. I just want to sleep.
It's my grandmother's (mormors) birthday today and Emma and I went to her little party. Met my great grandmother for the first time, she had a beard and thought Emma was my mother. I also met mormor's brother. A funny bunch.
Now it's 1.48 AM and I can't sleep, I'm sad and lonely. Shitty day. Made a new private blog, I can rant about whatever I want :)
It's my grandmother's (mormors) birthday today and Emma and I went to her little party. Met my great grandmother for the first time, she had a beard and thought Emma was my mother. I also met mormor's brother. A funny bunch.
Now it's 1.48 AM and I can't sleep, I'm sad and lonely. Shitty day. Made a new private blog, I can rant about whatever I want :)
torsdag, maj 29, 2008
onsdag, maj 28, 2008
Survey thingy
45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone | |
whats your name spelt backwards?: | araS |
What did you do last night?: | Read |
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: | Francis Soto Band songs |
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: | No, i just lick ice-creams |
Last time you swam in a pool?: | A year ago? |
What are you wearing?: | Oh aren't you kinky? |
How many cars have you owned?: | noll, zero, keeeeeeeeeeeeeein |
Type of music you dislike most?: | Hiphop/rap |
Are you registered to vote?: | Yes |
Do you have cable?: | Sort of |
What kind of computer do you use?: | I don't know? A black one. |
Ever made a prank phone call?: | Hehehehehehe |
You like anyone right now?: | I like a lot of people |
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: | No way. |
Furthest place you ever traveled?: | Sahara Desert, spent the night in some oasis there |
What's your favorite comic strip?: | Nemi |
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: | Du gamla, du fria du fjällhöga nord! (I think so) |
Shower, morning or night?: | Morning |
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: | The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Favorite pizza toppings?: | Tomatoes |
Chips or popcorn?: | (Sourcream and onion) Chips |
What cell phone provider do you have?: | TELE2Comviq |
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: | No? Weirdo |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: | No. Weirdo |
Orange Juice or apple?: | Apple |
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: | Dad |
favorite chocolate bar?: | One without cocoa in it? |
Who is your longest friend and how long?: | I don't know |
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: | Last summer |
Have you ever won a trophy?: | I think so XD |
Favorite arcade game?: | Super sonic? |
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: | no |
Sprite or 7-UP?: | 7-up |
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: | No |
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: | Walgreens? |
Ever thrown up in public?: | yes |
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: | luuurve |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | No |
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: | Medium |
What message is on your voicemail machine?: | Automatic shit, never changed it |
Where would you like to go right now?: | München |
Whats the name of your pet?: | Alice |
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: | It's a handbag. And there's lots of stuff in it |
What do you think about most?: | München |
Take this survey | Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |

tisdag, maj 27, 2008
Bayern - des samma mia
Made a little collage to illustrate my day:

Emelie and I put up our tent for the first time! It's a beauty, isn't it?
Not much to do in school anymore, got one or two classes a day and a couple of days with no school whatsoever. Had a couple of more driving lessons, and Emelie joined me on one. Just like the Emelie we know and luurve, she fell asleep xD She didn't notice my kick-ass driving ;)
Graduation is coming closer and closer - just 17 days to go. The summer will be full of not only work but a quite nice festival too. Wacken here we come, watch out for the Swedish tent with the weirdo women. I will also get to meet Lucy! :D Hopefully I'll be able to spend Midsummer with you and Kim :)
And in just FOUR MONTHS I will leave this town for a slightly bigger one. Yeah. Munich. Like Sofie put it, I will be gone for a "pregnancy", and then I don't know what to do. Further studies? Volunteering?

Emelie and I put up our tent for the first time! It's a beauty, isn't it?
Not much to do in school anymore, got one or two classes a day and a couple of days with no school whatsoever. Had a couple of more driving lessons, and Emelie joined me on one. Just like the Emelie we know and luurve, she fell asleep xD She didn't notice my kick-ass driving ;)
Graduation is coming closer and closer - just 17 days to go. The summer will be full of not only work but a quite nice festival too. Wacken here we come, watch out for the Swedish tent with the weirdo women. I will also get to meet Lucy! :D Hopefully I'll be able to spend Midsummer with you and Kim :)
And in just FOUR MONTHS I will leave this town for a slightly bigger one. Yeah. Munich. Like Sofie put it, I will be gone for a "pregnancy", and then I don't know what to do. Further studies? Volunteering?
lördag, maj 03, 2008
Yes indeed, KUSK had another bålrunda* yesterday and the theme was artists. Who knew I would speak to people like Slash and Amy Whinehouse. A very nice evening indeed. I might post more about it later, but now it's time for lost!
Cher, Dani Filth, Avril Lavigne, Mariah Carey, Posh Spice, Axl Rose

Henrik Berggren (from Broder Daniel), Håkan Hellström, 50 Cent, Cher, Avril, Dani Filth by the punch ;)

* Bålrunda = Parties held by classmates during the last term before graduation :) Name means "Round of punch"
Cher, Dani Filth, Avril Lavigne, Mariah Carey, Posh Spice, Axl Rose

Henrik Berggren (from Broder Daniel), Håkan Hellström, 50 Cent, Cher, Avril, Dani Filth by the punch ;)

* Bålrunda = Parties held by classmates during the last term before graduation :) Name means "Round of punch"
söndag, april 20, 2008
I think I might be dying
tisdag, april 15, 2008
söndag, april 13, 2008
Spring succeeds winter
Sit down.
Are you really sitting down?
Because if you're not sitting it's not my fault if you faint and hit your head.
Believe it or not yet another winter has gone by. I was out on a walk when my MP3 player decided it was time for me to listen. So I did. And for some strange reason the sound of the world caught me by surprise. Instead of chilly winds I could hear birds sining and people merrily tending their gardens. I should have seen it coming, I mean there's tons of flowers everywhere and the trees and bushes are filled with tiny buds worshiping the sunlight.'s spring!
My graduation is in exactly two months. After that it's a summer full of festivals and tons of fun. And, even though it feels far away, in September I'm moving to Munich. Still feels surreal but hey, it's happening.
Went to a physician for a medical check-up and dear lads and lasses, my health is excellent. Now I just need to get an insurance, sign the rest of the papers and send them to EF, and I'm done with my part.

Hey, I checked my statcounter. A lot of new people from around the globe seem to have found their merry way to my blog! Leave a comment, let me know you exist!
Are you really sitting down?
Because if you're not sitting it's not my fault if you faint and hit your head.
Believe it or not yet another winter has gone by. I was out on a walk when my MP3 player decided it was time for me to listen. So I did. And for some strange reason the sound of the world caught me by surprise. Instead of chilly winds I could hear birds sining and people merrily tending their gardens. I should have seen it coming, I mean there's tons of flowers everywhere and the trees and bushes are filled with tiny buds worshiping the sunlight.'s spring!
My graduation is in exactly two months. After that it's a summer full of festivals and tons of fun. And, even though it feels far away, in September I'm moving to Munich. Still feels surreal but hey, it's happening.
Went to a physician for a medical check-up and dear lads and lasses, my health is excellent. Now I just need to get an insurance, sign the rest of the papers and send them to EF, and I'm done with my part.
Hey, I checked my statcounter. A lot of new people from around the globe seem to have found their merry way to my blog! Leave a comment, let me know you exist!
söndag, april 06, 2008
It's 3 AM and Emelie and Emil just left. Not I'm debating whether to go to bed or ... do nothing. I'm not really "sleepy-tired" but there's nothing to do nor anyone to chat with.
This will be the last day of a very strange week. I've slept incredibly bad. 1-2hours each night. My body demands more than so. I'm tired (in a "I won't be able to fall asleep" way). I write short sentences. I'm cold. I'm thirsty.
This is not one of those depressing posts though. If I had the energy I could tell you about when Emelie and I were top of the world ventriloquists. Laughed until I cried. And then some more. :)
And yeah, "Marshmallows" because we ate those. Marshmallows = fire place = yum.
This will be the last day of a very strange week. I've slept incredibly bad. 1-2hours each night. My body demands more than so. I'm tired (in a "I won't be able to fall asleep" way). I write short sentences. I'm cold. I'm thirsty.
This is not one of those depressing posts though. If I had the energy I could tell you about when Emelie and I were top of the world ventriloquists. Laughed until I cried. And then some more. :)
And yeah, "Marshmallows" because we ate those. Marshmallows = fire place = yum.
tisdag, mars 18, 2008
My NaMe Is EMO aNd I LiKe ToKiO HoTeL!
Beware this is going to be an EMO post, no point to keep on reading.
Had an absolutely shitty day. Pure BS. Started really bad by just waking up. I wasn't in the mood to be awake at all! Then I went to school and almost fell over a dozen times on my way there just to realize I was 30 minutes early! Had a test in irregular German words, yippee and then lo and behold Latin. Which sucked. Who cares about the death of Hannibal? Seriously. There are more important stuff going on! Dragged my sorry ass home without having lunch (fish au gratin yuck)and nuked some old bolognaise.
Then the boresome minutes turned into hours and here I am. I need to do stuff, but no one wants to tag along. Doing stuff alone is as boring as just sitting here. Everyone is busy doing this and that and I am stuck here. Feels like everyone's sick and tired of me now, always nagging on them about doing things. No more of that, I promise.
I think I might be suffering from Weltschmerz. Chatted with a guy from Missouri and BOOM he started screaming about tornadoes and floods. Yep, he was trapped in the middle of the storm. Tried to convince him not to leave his house (he was worried about his car, it'd been dented). Perspective please. Anyway the whole situation made me so sad I began to cry. He was going on about how we must warn other people in Missouri (yeah, like I can do much about that). It just got to me. Bleh. All this was accompanied by Pain - Just think again. So sad.
Alice has been extra cuddly today, she can sense when I'm down like no one other!
By the way, my driving lesson yesterday got canceled. Again.
Had an absolutely shitty day. Pure BS. Started really bad by just waking up. I wasn't in the mood to be awake at all! Then I went to school and almost fell over a dozen times on my way there just to realize I was 30 minutes early! Had a test in irregular German words, yippee and then lo and behold Latin. Which sucked. Who cares about the death of Hannibal? Seriously. There are more important stuff going on! Dragged my sorry ass home without having lunch (fish au gratin yuck)and nuked some old bolognaise.
Then the boresome minutes turned into hours and here I am. I need to do stuff, but no one wants to tag along. Doing stuff alone is as boring as just sitting here. Everyone is busy doing this and that and I am stuck here. Feels like everyone's sick and tired of me now, always nagging on them about doing things. No more of that, I promise.
I think I might be suffering from Weltschmerz. Chatted with a guy from Missouri and BOOM he started screaming about tornadoes and floods. Yep, he was trapped in the middle of the storm. Tried to convince him not to leave his house (he was worried about his car, it'd been dented). Perspective please. Anyway the whole situation made me so sad I began to cry. He was going on about how we must warn other people in Missouri (yeah, like I can do much about that). It just got to me. Bleh. All this was accompanied by Pain - Just think again. So sad.
By the way, my driving lesson yesterday got canceled. Again.
måndag, mars 17, 2008
Smells like piss. Piss with ink
Yet another week have past. Tomorrow, or quite technically today, is the time for my second driving lesson. First one went by okay, although I made a few stupid mistakes in the beginning due to me being nervous.
For some stupid reason I began to watch SAW III all alone a few days ago. After seeing Kerry getting her ribs ripped out I decided it wasn't for me. Clowns are scary, torture is scary, Jigsaw is scary. I hate them. Horror movies will drive me crazy. Even if I'm not scared while watching them the following weeks will be awful! I can't stop thinking "What if it's really true? What if zombies/Jigsaw/etc. really exists?"". Madhouse next!
Anna's off to France. I hope she'll have loads of fun! :)
For some stupid reason I began to watch SAW III all alone a few days ago. After seeing Kerry getting her ribs ripped out I decided it wasn't for me. Clowns are scary, torture is scary, Jigsaw is scary. I hate them. Horror movies will drive me crazy. Even if I'm not scared while watching them the following weeks will be awful! I can't stop thinking "What if it's really true? What if zombies/Jigsaw/etc. really exists?"". Madhouse next!
Anna's off to France. I hope she'll have loads of fun! :)
tisdag, mars 11, 2008
Not for my ears
I've been a good girl! I deleted tons of shit, a.k.a. as music, I never listened to anyway. Feels good. But my folder looks very...incomplete. I guess I have to download something new, something I'll actually listen to :)
I also checked up every single band playing at Wacken in Found a few good ones actually!
I also checked up every single band playing at Wacken in Found a few good ones actually!
måndag, mars 10, 2008
Crash and buuurn
I'm sitting at home nervously eating my breakfast at the moment. In a mere 50 minutes I have to be at the driving school. Yes, my dear friends, it is time for my first lesson. I know, I know it should have been last week but the tutor got sick and had to cancel. So for your own safety, stay off the streets!

onsdag, februari 27, 2008
Sitting in school waiting for my German to begin. I hate this extremely long lunch, I hate waiting 3 hours for my last lesson! Why not just get it done with and I would be able to go home really early!
Graduation feels like miles away although I guess we'll get there eventually. I need to find a white dress and I need to buy an insurance in case something happens to me while I'm in Germany.
Speaking of that, I got an e-mail with my password to ilab. Don't really get the site and it's main focus is English. "Here, improve your English for free! You might need it for your upcoming journey!". Yeah, I better make sure my English is PERFECT before going to Germany? I'd say focusing on the right language would help me tons more.
I have already begin to plan what to bring to Wacken. I mean, it's just 150-something days left :) Emelie and I will need to buy a new tent since we just left our old one at Hultsfred. Didn't think we'd need it again, and I guess no one wants to sleep in a tent which someone threw up on.. and it leeks too. Free showers for everyone as soon as God decides to pee on us :)
I haven't updated here in a while (what's the point, I guess all my 2 readers know me IRL too ;P) and I'm not sure what I've mentioned before. Anyway, my belly button is now pierced with a beautiful piece of jewelery. Seems to heal alright.
Forgive me for all my nasty mistakes when it comes to spelling and grammar. I'm not at home where I can rely on my super friendly spell-checker. Nowadays I don't even bother to spell things right, Mr. Spell Checker will be right there to aide me!
Graduation feels like miles away although I guess we'll get there eventually. I need to find a white dress and I need to buy an insurance in case something happens to me while I'm in Germany.
Speaking of that, I got an e-mail with my password to ilab. Don't really get the site and it's main focus is English. "Here, improve your English for free! You might need it for your upcoming journey!". Yeah, I better make sure my English is PERFECT before going to Germany? I'd say focusing on the right language would help me tons more.
I have already begin to plan what to bring to Wacken. I mean, it's just 150-something days left :) Emelie and I will need to buy a new tent since we just left our old one at Hultsfred. Didn't think we'd need it again, and I guess no one wants to sleep in a tent which someone threw up on.. and it leeks too. Free showers for everyone as soon as God decides to pee on us :)
I haven't updated here in a while (what's the point, I guess all my 2 readers know me IRL too ;P) and I'm not sure what I've mentioned before. Anyway, my belly button is now pierced with a beautiful piece of jewelery. Seems to heal alright.
Forgive me for all my nasty mistakes when it comes to spelling and grammar. I'm not at home where I can rely on my super friendly spell-checker. Nowadays I don't even bother to spell things right, Mr. Spell Checker will be right there to aide me!
lördag, februari 16, 2008
Det och Sköldpaddan
Läste lite i It igår och skrämde upp mig själv som satan. Sprang ner till mitt rum på kvällen och var jätterädd för att se Pennywise i källaren.
May the Turtle be with me:
May the Turtle be with me:
"Its natural enemy is "The Turtle," another ancient Macroverse dweller who, eons ago, vomited up our Universe and possibly others while having a bout of indigestion. The Turtle shows up again in King's series The Dark Tower. The book suggests that It, along with the Turtle, are themselves creations of a separate, omnipotent referred to as "the Other". The Turtle and It are eternal enemies (creation versus consumption). It arrived in our world in a massive, cataclysmic event similar to an asteroid impact, in the place that would, in time, become Derry, Maine.""

måndag, februari 11, 2008
lördag, januari 05, 2008
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