lördag, februari 16, 2008

Det och Sköldpaddan

Läste lite i It igår och skrämde upp mig själv som satan. Sprang ner till mitt rum på kvällen och var jätterädd för att se Pennywise i källaren.

May the Turtle be with me:

"Its natural enemy is "The Turtle," another ancient Macroverse dweller who, eons ago, vomited up our Universe and possibly others while having a bout of indigestion. The Turtle shows up again in King's series The Dark Tower. The book suggests that It, along with the Turtle, are themselves creations of a separate, omnipotent referred to as "the Other". The Turtle and It are eternal enemies (creation versus consumption). It arrived in our world in a massive, cataclysmic event similar to an asteroid impact, in the place that would, in time, become Derry, Maine.""

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