söndag, september 28, 2008

Care package wanted

Anyone, please send me this:

I neeeed it

fredag, september 26, 2008


"Hi Sara!

I found your blog and wondered if you could tell me more about the s-bahn tickets in München. I plan on going there and my friend tells me it's very expensive


Hi there stranger!
I don't really know much and it's pretty complicated but i can try to explain. München is divided into different "rings" and the further away from Ring 1 the more you have to pay. There are a million kind of tickets, one-way, Tagkarte, Wochenkarte, Monatskarte, Streifenkarte and so on.. I live in Ring 6 (pretty far away) so one Tagkarte costs 6.70€, and then I can go back and forth all day and a monthly tickets costs 80€. Eeh.. I don't really know anything more.. I'm new here ;) but yeah, it's expensive

onsdag, september 24, 2008


Precis vad jag är. Sitter i en soffa på övervåningen och drömmer om en dusch. (Dock finns det inget varmvatten kvar, får vänta tills imorgon). Resan gick helt okej, Stockholmska är fult och österrikiska dialekter är nästan värre.

Det bor några studenter här, samlade från hela världen. Tror de sa att det kommer hit en från Norge snart :) Jeg snakker ikke norsk. Det finns en regel att man inte får prata något annat språk än tyska, så jag kommer förhoppningsvis lära och förbättra mig ganska snabbt :) Känns nästan redan som om jag blivit lite bättre på att förstå faktiskt. Dock är det ganska mkt som jag inte fattar...alla andra babblar på och jag ler artigt och nickar xD

I helgen är det dags för Oktoberfest, vilket förhoppningsvis blir skoj :) Herrn i huset (vars namn jag inte minns, jag måste snoka reda på det somehow) 'varnade' mig ;) Ölen är starka och stora och det är tydligen lätt att dricka för mycket. Sista spårvagnen hem ifrån München går 23:45 så då får jag se till att masa mig hem..om jag inte vill betala 80€ eller gå, såklart.

Här planeras det en utflykt till nått whiskeyställe nästa helg. Jag skippar det och åker och leker med Josh istället ;) Whiskey har aldrig varit min grej.. :P

Sara börjar bli trött och ska snart gå och lägga sig..och klockan är bara 21! Men jag måste gå upp tidigt imorgon (frukost klockan 7 och innan dess måste jag hinna duscha) Kvart i åtta beger vi oss till skolan där jag har någon introduktionsgrej.

fredag, september 19, 2008


I'm bored and have been playing around with makemebabies.com

Sara + Johnny Depp =

Sara + Emelie =

Interesting! The two palest girls in Sweden will get a black kid. I think someone is a cheater :o

Me + Me =

onsdag, september 17, 2008

One week.

six days.
x hours.

bye bye.


måndag, september 15, 2008

There's a voice and a million answers...

To the questions I don't ask
A demon — I've got to contain
When I'm walking through the fen
Gonna deep into the black
There are whispers that I can't restrain

Don't give in

Rise to fame — time will come
Make your claim — time has come
For the crow to fly away


I'm listening to Avantasia and it fills me with a very special cozy feeling. I think about Wacken. I think about being in my tent listening to them play. Listening to the crowd. Listening to our neighbors talking to Bill/Bob about whiskey. It's a special feeling. I like Avantasia.

onsdag, september 10, 2008

Oh, yeah

Before I forget. Again. Here you go:

MSN is retarded

I hate it. Fuck you MSN! It has been acting weird for days, suddenly signing me out or not sending my messages.. Tried reinstalling it but didn't help. I hate it!
Soo, everyone.. When I leave without saying bye it's because MSN is fucking up, I'm not blocking you I swear :)

Aaaanyway.. Bought a new camera yesterday so I'll be taking lots of pics in Germany :) and maybe a few before I go as well

This is what I'll do to make the time go faster
11/9 - Nothing special. Going to take a walk around the canal if it doesn't rain
12/9 - Waste of time
13/9 - Going to Gothenburg to see Lucy
14/9 - Waste of time
15/9 - Waste of time
16/9 - Waste of time
17/9 - Waste of time
18/9 - Waste of time
19/9 - Waste of time
20/9 - Waste of time
21/9 - Waste of time
22/9 - Waste of time
23/9 - Going to Gothenburg and spending the day there. Sleeping at Emma's
24/9 - Going to Germany. Plane leaves at 6.35 so I have to get up 3ish.

I did it

although I was a little nervous at first

I've packed.
Almost everything.
I'm ready to go.
14 days left.
Want. to. go. now.

måndag, september 08, 2008

Blixtar och dunder, magiska under

I love thunderstorms. I love watching the lightnings. I love hearing the muffled rumbling. I love it.

All of a sudden the sky turned pitch black, only to be split by an occasional lightning, and I'm sitting alone in the living room with no lights on. It's wonderful! I have that nice "this is where i belong" feeling and i'm totally enjoying this. I see people running outside, trying to get away from the rain.

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

Random survey

Do you have an unusual name?: No
Are you left or right handed?: Right
Are you smart?: Avarage
What is your education level?: Gymnasiexamen
Do you get along well with others?: Depends on the other
Do you like/love your job?: Don't have one
Are you a morning, afternoon or evening person?: Night
Do you read for learning or entertainment?: entertainment
Do you have friends in other states?: folk off americans
Do you have relatives living nearby?: yes
Do you have wellness checkups?: no
Do you like being the center of attention?: sometimes
Can you tell a good joke?: nah
Has anything remarkable ever happened to you?: Like what?
Do you believe in miracles?: sometimes
Do you own any pets?: Alice
What are your hobbies?: Got none
What is your favorite season?: winter
Have you ever been on a blind date?: sort of
Have you fixed up a friend on a blind date?: No
Do you like large parties or intimate get togethers?: intimate get togethers
Do you shop at garage sales?: Nno
Does everything happen for a reason?: some things does
Do you have a favorite saying and what is it?: skandal
Do you like to dance and can you dance?: No/no
Have you ever been in a parade and why?: Tomteparaden!
Did you watch any of the Olympics?: yes
Can you play any sports?: no
Have you ever won a sports competition?: basketball tournament
What is your favorite meal?: Tacos
Do you have a perfect driving record?: Yes
Have you ever been fingerprinted for school or job?: No
What is your favorite holiday?: Christmas
What is your favorite article of clothing?: Skirt
Are you always late for appointments?: No, always tooo early
Do you usually bottle up your feelings?: yes
Would you help a stranded motorist?: depends on how he/she looked
Have you ever had to call 911?: I'm not american
Have you ever held a snake?: folk off
Do you try to make your dreams come true?: i suppose
Are you loving life?: sometimes
Are you an outdoorsy person?: no
Do you shop at Wal-Mart?: im not american
Can you rub your head and pat your belly at the same time?: can you bite your ear?