Are you really sitting down?
Because if you're not sitting it's not my fault if you faint and hit your head.
Believe it or not yet another winter has gone by. I was out on a walk when my MP3 player decided it was time for me to listen. So I did. And for some strange reason the sound of the world caught me by surprise. Instead of chilly winds I could hear birds sining and people merrily tending their gardens. I should have seen it coming, I mean there's tons of flowers everywhere and the trees and bushes are filled with tiny buds worshiping the sunlight.'s spring!
My graduation is in exactly two months. After that it's a summer full of festivals and tons of fun. And, even though it feels far away, in September I'm moving to Munich. Still feels surreal but hey, it's happening.
Went to a physician for a medical check-up and dear lads and lasses, my health is excellent. Now I just need to get an insurance, sign the rest of the papers and send them to EF, and I'm done with my part.
Hey, I checked my statcounter. A lot of new people from around the globe seem to have found their merry way to my blog! Leave a comment, let me know you exist!
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