lördag, december 30, 2006


I've been to IKEA today. I HATE IKEA. My dad bribed me with a frame to my new poster (not the one I bought in Gothenburg though). My sister bought a lot of stuff for her new appartment, I'm not sure how everything will fit in there.
When we got to the children's deparment my sister and I walked straight through it...my poor dad got lost - so he searched for us among all those screaming little kids. (I hate kids too.)

Afterwards we ate and had some ice cream Unlike a lot of other things, I like ice cream :)

Tomorrow is New Years Eve and I'm going to spend it with Alva :D

fredag, december 29, 2006

torsdag, december 28, 2006

28 december

Went to the bank today..Everyone stared at me :P "What's a young girl dressed in black doing in a bank. Is she going to rob us? IIIH"

onsdag, december 27, 2006

I'm going crazy

There's a thing buzzing in my ear.

*buzz buzz buzz*

If you've seen Salad Fingers -> WATCH THIS MOVIE
If you haven't seen Salad Fingers, you should do so

Don't feel like dancing

My feet hurts like hell. I just got back from Gothenburg..I bought a bag (looks better IRL), boots and a poster.


tisdag, december 26, 2006

Evil turtle

Titta Gulis, jag skriver på svenska :D

måndag, december 25, 2006

Santa fell off his slade and broke his neck

23/12: Christmas at my mum's place. Johan made her promise not to yell at our grandmother. She kept relativly calm.

24/12: The whole family went to Rökila (where my aunt lives). This year, we came just before the traditional Kalle Anka (Donald Duck) and then came the julbord. After that we opended our gifts. (Let me tell you - I'm really rich now..Yay) We also won a game of pictionary.

I'll probably go to Gothenburg this Wednesday to purchase boots similar to these

Merry Christmas to you all :)

(Don't you miss the time when you still belived in Santa? I do.)

fredag, december 22, 2006

He's coming for you

I still have nightmares.

(The last book will be called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)

måndag, december 18, 2006


Sitter i skolan, ska egentligen skriva ett referat man jag orkar inte. Har sovit sammanlagt 10timmar i helgen.

I lördags var det dags för konsert. Jag ankommer till tågstationen och noterar att det inte går något tåg. Istället får vi åka till Trollhättan och åka buss därifrån. Väl framme träffar vi Robert och äter på McDonalds. Vi åker till Musikens Hus och ställer oss i kö (typ två timmar för tidigt. Det var svinkallt). Trots låga förhoppningar var bandet faktiskt bra. Vi stannade och pratade lite med sångaren efteråt. Pappa kallade oss groupies.

Igår var det min födelsedag. Släkten kom, Sara blev rik och sen var det pizza på Italia. Natten var fylld av mardrömmar och idag mår jag inte bra.

Imorgon slutar skolan. (okej, egentligen på onsdag men jag skiter i avslutningen)

söndag, december 17, 2006

Happy birthday to me

That's right. Give me a present!

lördag, december 16, 2006

Utan dig

"Ohne dich" (Without you) is a song by German band Rammstein from the album Reise Reise. It is seen as expressing mourning over the loss of a loved person.It follows a slow, even romantic ballad style. The central motif is Without you, I cannot be, without you..., With you, I am also alone, without you...

The video was filmed in the Kaun Valley and on the Pitz Valley glacier in Tyrol, Austria. It shows the band climbing in the mountains when Rammstein's vocalist Till Lindemann falls and gets badly hurt. The song then ends and there's a quiet minute as the band sits in the tent and Till longingfully watches up on a mountain peak. The music starts again as the band starts to climb up on a mountain, carrying Till on their shoulders. In the end, they reach the mountain peak, Till takes a look around and dies with a satisfied smile. It is also interesting to note that while all the band members have goggles on, Till has the goggles he wore in the first video they made, "Du Riechst So Gut".

tisdag, december 12, 2006


School's keeping everyone busy. I'm tired all the time, and can't stay awake after school.

14/12 - english essay
15/12 - math quiz
16/12 - concert
17/12 - my birthday
18/12 - german examination
19/12 - spanish examination
20/12 - my brother comes home from Thailand / Last day of school
21/12 - Sleep
22/12 - Sleep
23/12 - Christmas celebrations with my mum
24/12 - Christmas eve - Christmas celebrations at my aunt's house.
25/12-10/1 - Sleep

Yesterday My, Sofie and Ullis spoke about Canada. Once they were finished my teacher asks "What did you learn". He laughed at my answer: "They like going to the movies"

fredag, december 08, 2006

The world is filled with pain

I hate being a woman.

This is my new haircolor :) I'm quite fond of it although I bet my grandmother will be going crazy ;-)

tisdag, december 05, 2006

December 5

Just got an e-mail from Amazon. My book is delayed 3-5 week :(

Det regnar och blåser väldigt mycket - vilket är mysigt. Dock är det december och jag saknar snön

måndag, december 04, 2006


We saw American History X last week. The moral was; never tattoo a swastika on your chest - you might get raped in prison.
Our Swedish/history teachor is sick so today we had a sub. Everyone likes him but me, he just reminds me of The-Guy-Who-Saws-Off-His-Foot-In-The-Movie-Saw. I never got a chance to check his feet, but let's hope they're both there. Speaking of Saw, I haven't seen the third one yet :(

We put up all the christmas decorations at home. I got a litte snowman standing by my bed, hopefully he'll protect me.

lördag, december 02, 2006

Don't do it

Sweden has been invited to NATO (or something like that). The Government are positive about it. Pleeease don't do it. Just look at Denmark, they sent a submarine to a desert war (lol) and now they have terrorist all over.

fredag, december 01, 2006

This day sucks

So, my not-Swedish-speaking-Msn-friend said he likes to look at my blog, but never understands a shit..so today the post it in English.

Today started pretty okay. My first class was after lunch so I got to sleep in. Finally in school I hear that there had been a car accident. Three people was in the hospital and one died. I don't (didn't) know any of them so I didn't think much about it. When I get home my sister tells me that they're friend's of hers. They were driving home from Trollhättan and just as they met another car a ...babyelk... jumped in front of them. The elk hit the other car and bounced onto theirs.
My sister had plans on joining them that day, but she didn't. She could have been in that car. My sister could have died.

(My English probably sucks at the moment. I don't give a shit. I'm unhappy)