The Quest of the (not yet) Lost Internet started yesterday. Dad, Emma and I went to Gothenburg to buy me a laptop, which we did. We also ate a lot of ice cream.
Once back home I started fiddling with my new baby and a router I got from Emma. I shouldn't have. Lost the connection to the Net and didn't get it back until today XD Then we (Jonas and I) started fiddling again and lost the connection once more. After a lot of drama we said "Fuck the router" and my laptop is still Internet-less, and it might stay that way until I get to Germany. Unless I get a wireless modem thing.
As you might have noticed Internet is back, but I didn't get to chat with my aussie :( :(
Guess who I met last week? Yeah, you're right! Lucy! :D She has uploaded a few pics and you can find them here. I know I look like shit, but that's what happens when I get up at 6 am to work :O My hair is fucked up and I look tired and sweaty. Well well. The things I do for money.
Speaking of that, I've been working with Andreas and that's just fun :D I love our weird conversations :D Looks like there won't be much more work though :( No money and no lame excuse to spend the days with my boy bitch :O
Andreas: There used to be something there! What?! :O
Sara: A wall!
Andreas: Oh!
Random pic of our lunch:
Random ice cream pic:
Random pic of a boob, just because Andreas loves them:
Andreas touched mine today :M How dare he.
I'll finish this off with a survey ;)
Hopes, Dreams, Thoughts and all that
About Me
First name?: Sara
Nickname?: Mainly Saris
Gender?: Female
D.O.B?: December 17th '89
Height?: 1.79
Weight?: fuck off
Hair color?: Brownish
Eye color?: Blue
Skin tone?: White
Freckles?: Yes
Sexuality?: Straight
Relationship status?: In like ;)
Food?: Tacos, chicken salad
Drink?: Milk, Fanta
Color?: Deep red
TV Show?: Lost
Type of Music?: Industrial
Band/Singer?: Rammstein
Movie?: Lilja 4-ever
Movie Star?: Johnny Depp
Scent?: Guys with a nice perfume
City?: Göteborg atm
Author?: Stephen King
Book?: Stephen King - The Talisman and/or The stand
Animal?: Alice
Flower?: Meh
Your Friends
Which friend is most fun to hang out with?: All of them
Who is the weirdest?: Sofie ;)
Who makes you happiest?: Emelie I think :)
Who do you talk to when you're down?: Emelie
Who do you have a crush on?: Joshie Poshie :P
Hopes, Dreams, Thoughts
Describe your perfect guy/girl: Someone who's funny and sweet
Describe your perfect first date: Something relaxing ang laid back
Where in the world would you most like to live?: Continental Europe
Would you like to have kids? If so, when and how many?: I'm not sure.
What would you like your life to be like in five years time?: I'd like to live in Germany and have a job
What's your dream job?: I don't know. One at an airport i think
What's your biggest hope for the future?: That i'd be happy
If you could experience one thing in your life again, what would it be?: Rammstein!
What's your favorite thing to daydream about?: Germany :D
If you could live in any period in history, when would you live?: I'm fond of this one. But the Medievals are kind of cool too
What's your happiest memory?: Rammstein
What's your saddest memory?: Let's not go there
If you had a superpower, what would it be? And what would you use it for?: I don't know :O
What fantasy creature do you most wish was real?: Pegasus'
What's your favorite thing about yourself?: I'm not sure
What would you most like to change about yourself?: Face
Would you like to know what your future holds?: Nah
Are you happy?: Sometimes
If yes, what are the things that make you happy?: People I like
If you could be a fictional character, who would it be? And why?: Sookie Stackhouse, I'd want to be close to Eric ;)
Did you enjoy taking this survey?: It was okay
1 kommentar:
andreas isn't allowed to do such things :O:O and who's eric?:M (you've got someone else in mind:O) and that ice-cream :O you're trying to make me jealous :O
*breaks down in tears*
today i find out if i got TBC, AIDS or HIV XDXD
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