torsdag, mars 29, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

This is the new Harry Potter cover and this is the summary on the back:

Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldermort and his supportes knowing - if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with?

Me want. Me want.

måndag, mars 26, 2007


The following is a list of the 10 webpages I visit the most (no special order):

My e-mail
The pirate bay
R-rose forum

söndag, mars 25, 2007


So, I've been thinking of studying in Germany when I'm done with school. =D. I'm not quite sure what I'll be taking - is it just German or other classes? Well, who cares. I'm going anyway (Pfft, maybe in a year).

Let's say I'm gone 25 weeks, it'll cost 43,000kr (1USD=7kr)

torsdag, mars 22, 2007

I haven't posted for a while. Sorry. I've been busy with school and to stressed to do anything at all.

You should all watch Das Leben der Anderen, it's a great movie.

måndag, mars 12, 2007


I'm surfing on the German version of the yellow pages. There are three different Christoph Schneiders living in Berlin.

Schneider Carl Christoph u. Kieninger Barbara
Almstadtstr. 11
10119 Berlin
Telefon: 030 24 04 70 14

Schneider Christoph
Schützenstr. 52
12165 Berlin
Telefon: 030 67 03 55 68

Schneider Georg Christoph
Birkbuschgarten 5
12167 Berlin
Telefon: 030 96 08 81 00

Call him and say I said hi? :)

onsdag, mars 07, 2007

No Title

I haven't been feeling well today. Went home from school and fainted on my floor, my cat ran up to me and liked my face. Isn't she sweet?

Negative facts about life:
* It's almost summer
* I keep fainting
* My knee hurts
* I don't know what to do after school
* I'm unhappy

Positive facts about life:
* I've great friends
* Sweet music is playing in my ears
* I just got an e-mail from Schneider (he wants to sell me Viagra)
* I'm turning 18 this year
* ..just a few hours left until Lost starts
* My amazing friends and I are planning a trip to Turkey (or Rhodes..or anywhere else)
* I can die today and know I've seen Rammstein live.

Hey, maybe I'm finally like all the other depressed teenagers. (I promise I won't cut my wrists - I don't like blood)

måndag, mars 05, 2007

No Title

I'm feeling guilty because I don't have time for my Yoga class. But I have good reason..I have to finish my history report. Guilt, guilt, guilt.

torsdag, mars 01, 2007

Lost, Lost, Lost

So, I finally have Lost to keep me company on Wednesdays at 21.00-22.00 :)

Dad's been away this week and I'm getting used to being all alone. Although my friends came over on Monday (pictures can be found here if you press 26 to the left) and it was a nice change. Even though they ate all my bread and drunk all my milk I still love them :)

Anna lent me her Desperate Housewives box and I'm just through with the first season. I'm downloading the third just this second. Yay.