It contradicts the flow of time. It will be revived by love. Can you feel it? Your heart is beating.
tisdag, december 25, 2007
söndag, december 16, 2007
Trollkarlen från Oz
Imorgon är det självaste 18-årsdagen, och Anna, Emelie och jag ska se herr Manson på Scandinavium. Ska bli mys :P
I hear some steps, my voice breaks,
I know that they come for me
And a priest in the name of god
Asks: do you want to confess?
I confess that I loved and believed in a god
of the poor, a just and moral god.
I confess in the chair
In which I should die
My soul will be reborn.
All of my life parades before me,
So many uncompleted dreams.
Do not fear, do not cry for me,
I will always be with you.
I hear the prayers, I intend to scream,
They cover me so I can't see
the eyes of a cruel humanity,
death becomes excited, it's the end.
måndag, december 10, 2007
Inte skägg, Mustasch!
torsdag, december 06, 2007
Feed me tranquilizers
13:e - Kalas hos mamma
14:e - Middag med los bitches ;-)
15:e - Nån grej på Mic
16:e - Kalas hos pappa (och Timmy fyller år)
17:e - Jag fyller år :D Dessutom Marilyn Manson
20:e - Lipz
21:e - Bålrunda
24:e - Jul
25:e - Jul
31:e - Nyårsafton. Nu får vi se till att vi verkligen gör någonting i år *sittar ilsket på alla*
tisdag, december 04, 2007
Eating seeds is a past time activity
Vet inte riktigt vad jag har gjort sen senast. Anna har hunnit fylla år - grattis på dig sötnos :) Hon fick en fin korg med massa olika drinkmixar i samt biljetter till Korn i februari! :D
I fredags följde jag och Andreas med ner till Göteborg där Emelie, Martin och Emil skulle på Nightwishkonsert. Vi skippade dock det och passade på att gå på bio. Andreas lyckades få en dörr rakt i ansiktet, det lilla livet! På duken visades Resident Evil: Extinction. Inte direkt en film för mig, jag hatar när det hoppar upp saker och skrämmer mig, och filmen var fylld av sånt. Dock var det mycket bra musik till (även fast jag aldrig hörde My World).
Massa att göra i skolan just nu! Spanskaprov och engelskatal idag. Engelskan gick åt helvete, blev så nervös att jag glömde precis allting jag skulle säga... och det jag väl lyckades få ur mig blev inte alls som jag tänkt mig. Imorgon har jag tyskaprov på exakt samma saker vi har haft alla tidigare år. Nästa vecka känns lite bättre, "bara" latinprov och religionsförhör. Ska tydligen dansa salsa med spanskan på lucia, man kan ju undra hur det går - jag råkades ju födas utan dansgenen!
Har lyssnat massa på Mago de Oz i veckan, de blir bara bättre och bättre! Jag önskar mig Madrid Las Ventas Dvd:n i present, bara så ni vet ;-)
måndag, november 05, 2007
söndag, november 04, 2007
Japaner överallt
Vi bjöds på två förband - Ride the Sky (blä) och Epica (helt okej). Efter det kom självaste Sonata Arctica och jag tror aldrig jag har varit så svettig i hela mitt liv. Jag var blöt! Sjukt skoj var det, trots att jag inte har lyssnat på dem på flera år! :) Herr Kakko var skitglad och skuttade runt och log under hela konserten och sa att vi var som japaner (vilket är en komplimang). Förutom deras låtar fick vi även sjunga We will rock you och nationalsången högt och fint. Jag fick ett gult plektrum efteråt.
Bussfärden hem var intressant, där fick vi reda på att Emil har en varulvsdel ^^ Mwhaha.
Nästa konsert: Marilyn Manson den 17:e december! :D:D
torsdag, oktober 18, 2007
Projektarbetstid hela dagen idag, dvs sovmorgon och hemmaarbete. Jag har varit produktiv och översatt hela Mutter-skivan och ska försöka få tag på Lena någon dag så hon kan läsa igenom det. Nebel blev jättefin och sorglig på svenska. Har svårt att välja vilka bilder jag vill ha med i mitt häfte.. Varför finns det så många fina? Damn them.
Kalas hos kusin-Linda på söndag, kalas hos bror-Johan den 3e november samt Sonata Arcticakonsert på kvällen. Typ.
Hon bär kvällen i sitt bröst
och vet att hon måste vittra bort
Hon lägger huvudet i hans knä
och ber om en sista kyss
Och då kysste han henne
där havet slutar
Hennes läppar, skira och bleka
och hans ögon tåras
tisdag, oktober 16, 2007
Skolresa till Malmö/Köpenhamn för ett tag sen, och självklart lyckas jag försova mig. Vaknar av att Anna står och pickar på mitt fönster och säger att bussen står utanför. Tar med mig det jag hittar och glömmer allt det viktigaste. Resan blev rätt lyckad ändå. Vi hittade en mysig resturang i Malmö där vi spenderade kvällen. Jag fick en jättemumsig glassdesert.
Dagen efter åkte vi över bron till Köpenhamn och tittade på den lilla sjöjungfrun och gick till Glyptoteket. Vattentanten var grovt överskattad.
I fredags kikade jag och Andreas på en dum Alien. Fest hos Martin i lördags. Den mannen bor hyfsat ute i ingenting och han har kor. Jag undrar hur Anna skulle ha klarat sig ;P Det var iaf väldigt trevligt fast lite kyligt.
Klippte mig igår. Jag vet inte riktigt om jag är nöjd eller inte. Håret är väldigt uppklippt och så har jag en spännande lugg. Meh.
Det har säkert hänt massa mer men jag är för lat för att skriva.
fredag, september 28, 2007
Anybody out there?
Men det bästa har inte kommit än. Jag och Anna smög omkring lite på Bokia och där fann jag, mellan: "LUDER" och en bok som hette någonting med Fitta, ett underverk. En till bok om Luke. Okej, kanske inte om honom men han är med! Luke! Luke Costello! Rachels Luke! :D
måndag, september 24, 2007
Gräs och pangkakor
Kom hem från en sista minuten resa till Tunisien i onsdags och fick massa trevliga besök på aftonen. Jag har kommit igång med braseldandet i vardagsrummet så jul- och vinterkänslan börjar infinna sig. Vi fick till och med pepparkakor på spanskan idag. I alla fall - onsdags kväll. Anna och Emelie fick varsinn liten mini-vattenpipa och en chans att klämma på ökensand. När Emelie åkte kom Andreas istället med sina svettiga lussekattergrejer.
Far man var borta och kastade soffor på folk så jag bjöd hem Anna på tacomiddag. Äntligen fick jag mina nachochips! Precis när vi skulle njuta av vår kärleksfullt tillagade middag kom pappa hem. Han tyckte det var väldigt mysigt att få lagad mat ;P
Fredagen spenderades på Onsjö, närmare bestämt hemma hos Amanda. Hon har en sjukt söt katt - K/Casper! Stor som en liten hund och hårig som en matta :D Ursöt. Jag, Emelie och Andreas satt på (det lyxigt uppvärmda) golvet och klappade ordentligt på honom. Katter är så mysiga. Annars spelade vi dramatiska spel, kikade på kass chic-flic och gottade oss i gottigheter.
På lördagen fick jag hembesök av några främlingar. Vi myste framför tv:n/brasan och tittade återigen på kass film - Silent Hill. Jag fattade inget alls :D Men det gör inget. Amanda a.k.a. pinne somnade gott.
Igår (söndag) var vi på släktkalas ute i Rökila. Mysigt som vanligt. Emma dumpade mig när vi spelade TP men jag kämpade på tappert. Fick faktiskt fyra pluppar! Genusupplagan! Duktigt va?
Appropå duktigt, jag har sökt jobb som CV-översättare. Håll tummarna!
Imorgon är det skoljogg samt latinprov, men innan dess ska jag njuta av pangkakor, ett avsnitt av Weeds och ett superfärskt Desperate Housewivesavsnitt! Pusshej
måndag, augusti 27, 2007
Well, anyway. The week before the school started Emma, Anna and I spent a couple of days by the sea. Haha, some of those stuff we did are already classics, our home-made hat, the flower game, the texts we sent. Came home one day before school started.
My schedule is a bit interesting, my Spanish class starts fifteen minutes before my Latin is done, so I guess I'll skip a lot of Latin *cheers* Been trying to replace Psychology B with something else, but the options I was considering was full. Damn.
Emelie and Andreas came over the other day and we watched Scary Movie, and a little bit of Sex Inspectors. Some of the things coming out of Andreas's mouth are just..hilarious. Love you for that biatch ;)
lördag, augusti 04, 2007
tisdag, juli 31, 2007
söndag, juli 29, 2007
Went to see The Simpsons Movie, got a little bored at the end and challenged Emelie to tousle a stranger's hair. She didn't do it - chicken! :D We gossiped at Anna's before we walked over to the cinema. I like gossiping :) Rained like crazy and we had to run all the way (sort of). Poor Anna wore high heels.
Rushed home afterwards, got really wet and waited for an interview with Richard Kruspe to start. After a few hours they aired some pre-recored shit. Damn BBC
Ladies Night at Anna's. We cooked, set the table real nice and enjoyed ourselves. Emelie's mother contributed with some wine. I thought it was okay but Amanda and Anna hated it ;) Once again we gossiped a lot. :) Came home around 3 a.m. and went to bed an hour later.
onsdag, juli 25, 2007
I'm bored
söndag, juli 22, 2007
It's over
fredag, juli 20, 2007
Smells like brandy
onsdag, juli 18, 2007
It's been too long
I bought a new cell phone online last night, one with a camera in it. Finally :)

Chile or something entering Ullevi (Gothia opening)

A guy proposed to his lovely girl.

tisdag, juni 19, 2007
Mama I'm coming home
fredag, juni 08, 2007
"as soon as we´ll get invited we´ll be there...
I asked him if they had any plans playing here, and sure, I don't mind inviting them. Hehehehe. =)
My sister's graduating today and our whole family is coming. Congratulations!
onsdag, juni 06, 2007

Once upon a time, in a country far far away there was a cow named Sandra. The other cows didn’t like her because of her big head.
Sandra has nothing story, which is a tale of bravery and a cup of tea. You see, there was a young boy with an incredible ability.. he could smell the scent of tea from miles away.

tisdag, maj 29, 2007
Prov, prov, prov
Det är FEM skoldagar kvar. FEM! :D:D Sen är det sommarlov, ett sommarlov som inkluderar Hultsfredsfestivalen, en härlig charterresa med vänner och massa slöööhet. Wunderbar. Dessutom är det bara två terminer kvar tills jag tar studenten :P Efter det ska jag åka till Berlin och leva som tysk i ett halvår.
söndag, maj 27, 2007
onsdag, maj 23, 2007
söndag, maj 20, 2007
hard candy and buns

It's been a very reminiscent day today. It started out with me watching Emelie, Anna and Björn play football =) They're good. I went to the store and then home, where I'm currently baking buns. Sonata Arctica is blaring and I haven't listened to them for years. It reminds me of my previous school, and everything I felt back then.
I still know all the lyrics :)
torsdag, maj 17, 2007
A rainy day
torsdag, maj 10, 2007
Lost again
"Man Behind the Curtain
Roger Linus carries his newborn baby and his wife, Emily, who has just given birth and is dying, to the closest road and flags down a passing car.Horace and Olivia Goodspeed stop and offer to take them into town when Emily tells Roger to name the baby Benjamin, and then she dies.
WHOOSH to the island, were Alpert asks Ben if he wants the tape recorder with instructions for Juliet taken back to the medical station.But Ben thought Alpert already took it.He goes outside to ask Tom about it - and sees Locke walking into their camp carrying the body of his father.Locke reminds Ben that if he killed his father, Ben would tell him everything about the island.Locke throws the body down and suggests Ben start at the beginning.
Ben tells Locke that he isn't the leader of their community.Everyone answers to someone, and Ben answers to Jacob.Locke then wants to be taken to Jacob, but Ben can't do that.Jacob will only talk to be Ben.Ben was born on the island and everyone else was brought there. "
måndag, maj 07, 2007
söndag, maj 06, 2007
lördag, maj 05, 2007
torsdag, maj 03, 2007
Träumst du
Had the first part of the English National Tests today, it didn't go very well because I had nothing to say. They always pick crappy, undebateable topics. The second one will be tomorrow at 8:30. Writing. Bah. We've read a few preparational articles about "temptations", like tattoos, alcohol and peer pressure. I fear the worst, how can I ever write an essay about that? I don't care about social issues. Stupid testmakers.
This month is going to be quite stressful, got the national test in math next week (I don't understand a thing), probably something the week after that, and between 22-24 tests in Spanish, German and Latin. And of course we can't forget the last English test (reading/listening) even though I don't know when it is.
There is just twenty-something days left in school i.e. I will graduate in one year and twenty-something days!
Songs of the day:
Oomph - Träumst du
Megaherz - 5. März
Pain - Just hate me
lördag, april 28, 2007
tisdag, april 24, 2007
No title
Please don't take my breasts.
skriv ny blogg kvinna!
Sara säger:
Emelie säger:
Emelie säger:
damn, I'm persuasive
Sara säger:
Vad ska jag skriva?
Emelie säger:
något som får mig att skratta
Emelie säger:
eller nåt om sex that's why I'm writing today. Emelie told me about syphilis and how it's going to make my breasts fall off. I'm quite fond of them and if they do fall of, I'll just duct tape them right back on.
something to make Emelie laugh (althought it's not funny)
The European Commission have just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU rather than German, which was the other possibility. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's govt conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase in plan that would be known as "EuroEnglish": -- In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c".. Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favor of the "k". This should klear up konfusion and keyboards kan have 1 less letter. There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with the "f". This will make words like "fotograf" 20% shorter. In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible. Governments will enkorage the removal of double letters, which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling. Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e"'s in the language is disgraceful, and they should go away. By the 4th yar, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v". During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaiining "ou" and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters. After zis fifz yer, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl. Zer vil be no mor trubls or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer.
fredag, april 20, 2007
onsdag, april 18, 2007
"Pam had paused, her hand on the doorknob of Eric’s office. She considered my statement, her brows drawn together. “I am not remembering what a wedding shower is, though I’ve heard of it,” she said. She brightened. “They’ll get married in a bathroom? No, I’ve heard the term before, surely. A woman wrote to Abby that she hadn’t gotten a thank-you note for a large shower gift. They get . . . presents?”"
“Baby showers,” Pam repeated. She smiled in a chilly way. lt was enough to put frost on your pumpkin, seeing that upcurve of the lips. “I like the term,” she said. She knocked on Eric’s office door and then opened it. “Eric,” she said, “maybe someday one of the waitresses will get pregnant, and we can go to a baby shower!”
fredag, april 13, 2007
Just an ordinary prayer

Forgive me Father for I have sinned: I've been a bad girl (again!) and who downloaded all the remaining Lost-episodes :( It's like a drug, you just got to get your new Lost-fix. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, dear God (even though I don't belive in you. You're just a fiction Harry Potter or Donald Duck). And while you're at it, please make the scriptwriter kill Locke. I hate him. Die bitch, diiiiie.
Yours sincerely
P.S. I also downloaded the second season of Weeds, but that's not as bad
måndag, april 09, 2007
Oh dear
No school this week, so of course I'm ill. (At least I'm not the only one - Emelie's got it too. We can be pathetic together) I was going to work on that stupid history project - KKK this time. They wear funny hats - but if I know me right, I won't to shit.
By the way, our new computer has arrived..don't know if I've mentioned that before. It's all black and very nice.
A picture to make everyone satisfied:

torsdag, mars 29, 2007
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Harry is waiting in Privet Drive. The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldermort and his supportes knowing - if they can. But what will Harry do then? How can he fulfil the momentous and seemingly impossible task that Professor Dumbledore has left him with?
Me want. Me want.
måndag, mars 26, 2007
My e-mail
The pirate bay
R-rose forum
söndag, mars 25, 2007
torsdag, mars 22, 2007
You should all watch Das Leben der Anderen, it's a great movie.
måndag, mars 12, 2007
Schneider Carl Christoph u. Kieninger Barbara
Almstadtstr. 11
10119 Berlin
Telefon: 030 24 04 70 14
Schneider Christoph
Schützenstr. 52
12165 Berlin
Telefon: 030 67 03 55 68
Schneider Georg Christoph
Birkbuschgarten 5
12167 Berlin
Telefon: 030 96 08 81 00
Call him and say I said hi? :)
onsdag, mars 07, 2007
No Title
Negative facts about life:
* It's almost summer
* I keep fainting
* My knee hurts
* I don't know what to do after school
* I'm unhappy
Positive facts about life:
* I've great friends
* Sweet music is playing in my ears
* I just got an e-mail from Schneider (he wants to sell me Viagra)
* I'm turning 18 this year
* ..just a few hours left until Lost starts
* My amazing friends and I are planning a trip to Turkey (or Rhodes..or anywhere else)
* I can die today and know I've seen Rammstein live.
Hey, maybe I'm finally like all the other depressed teenagers. (I promise I won't cut my wrists - I don't like blood)
måndag, mars 05, 2007
No Title
torsdag, mars 01, 2007
Lost, Lost, Lost
Dad's been away this week and I'm getting used to being all alone. Although my friends came over on Monday (pictures can be found here if you press 26 to the left) and it was a nice change. Even though they ate all my bread and drunk all my milk I still love them :)
Anna lent me her Desperate Housewives box and I'm just through with the first season. I'm downloading the third just this second. Yay.
torsdag, februari 22, 2007
Mannen utan öde.
En vanlig vardagsmorgon kliver en fjortonårig pojke på bussen till jobbet. Bussen stoppas och de judiska pojkarna tvingas på ett tåg vars sista anhalt är ett koncentrationsläger. Det är endast ett år kvar av andra världskriget och det spenderas under hemska förhållanden på tre olika läger: Auschwitz, Buchenwald och Seitz. Pojken skiljs från sina vänner och lär sig att anpassa sig till svälten, sjukdomarna och tristessen. Detta skildrar Imre Kertész i sin bok ”Mannen utan öde”. Kertész föddes i Budapest 1929 och fick år 2002 nobelpris i litteratur. Mannen utan öde har även givits ut under namnet Steg för steg.
Pojken i boken beskriver handlingen detaljerat och förvånansvärt okänsligt. Mannen på bokens framsida syns inget ansikte, och det passar bra med innehållet. Personer nämns sällan vid namn, utan med olika epitet t.ex. ”Rökaren”, ”Experten” och ”Alfonsen”. Boken är inte helt svart, utan den skildrar även värmen och gemenskapen mellan fångarna, dock gör kontrasten det hemska, om möjligt, ännu värre. Jag är riktigt glad att jag har läst den här boken, trots att man mår lite psykiskt dåligt under tiden. Man har läst och hört talas om fenomenet tidigare men ändå blir man ännu en gång förvånad över hur fruktansvärt det var.
Kapitlen var långa, texten liten men det spelar ingen större roll. Sidorna bara flyger förbi och det är svårt att lägga ifrån sig boken när man väl har börjat läsa.
tisdag, februari 20, 2007
"oh ze pain"
The computer has been to the doctor and now it runs fine. Unfortunately everything on it got deleted, including all my music :(
Officially no school this week, but there's still stuff you need to do. I have to finish my book and write a review, work on my history project and do the next chapter in Tourism and travel. All that sucks.
Of course I haven't done any of those things - I (we) have been busy writing the script to our horror movie (I'm going to die locked up in a basement). There have been some arguments about it and our murderer has dropped out. Blah.
Yesterday I hurt my knee during Yoga. It's all blue and sore.
måndag, februari 12, 2007
torsdag, februari 08, 2007
onsdag, februari 07, 2007
The computer at home has broken down.
söndag, februari 04, 2007
Cows are not that stupid
"Mu" is the correct answer to the classic trick question "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?". Assuming that you have no wife or you have never beaten your wife, the answer "yes" is wrong because it implies that you used to beat your wife and then stopped, but "no" is worse because it suggests that you have one and are still beating her. According to various Discordians and Douglas Hofstadter the correct answer is usually "mu", a Japanese word alleged to mean "Your question cannot be answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions".
Hackers tend to be sensitive to logical inadequacies in language, and many have adopted this suggestion with enthusiasm. The word "mu" is actually from Chinese, meaning "nothing"; it is used in mainstream Japanese in that sense, but native speakers do not recognise the Discordian question-denying use.
"(Swedish cows say mu, not moh)"
onsdag, januari 31, 2007
måndag, januari 29, 2007
112 (911)
you've just got to be confident that your spirit is right, that your integrity is there,
and that people fundamentally will get the point,
will respond to it because you're human beings."
Christoph Schneider, Watching the Skies - Metal Hammer - December 2001.
Har känt mig ledsen idag. Ville inte störa alla glada människor så jag smög mig iväg. Jag grät lite, och det var ganska skönt.
måndag, januari 22, 2007
I did an IQ-test online

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.
The way you think about things makes you a Creative Theorist. This means you are a highly intelligent, complex person. You are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others you also have a very rich imagination.
lördag, januari 20, 2007
torsdag, januari 18, 2007
Ge mig snö!
I also got my glasses, but they're not as nice. I'm still not quite used to them and they give me a headache.
måndag, januari 15, 2007
I'm bored
I'm thinking of getting my belly button pierced, the question is where? My dad probably won't allow me to do it - so I have to find a decent place without the need of my parents approval. Most of those places are creepy.
Anyone who wants to do something this weekend? Movie marathon? Anything..Anything at all?
lördag, januari 13, 2007
Kennedy has been shot
Don't leave me
The Evil.
I hate it when it's warm outside. (Die sun, die!) Keeping this in mind AND adding the global warming = I'm going to die this summer. Bye bye world. Winter haven't come yet - it went from fall to spring instead.
Everyone is adviced to stay inside, because there's a hurricane coming. It's usually windy in springtime, but it's extreme for this time of year. Storm after storm after storm...
onsdag, januari 10, 2007
I like Paul
What's the weirdest thing a groupie has ever done to you?
Next question!
Total Guitar:
Does being the guitarist in Rammstein get you laid?
What's your problem? Some of us are in relationships and it would be pretty stupid of me to start talking about things like that.
Total Guitar:
Er, OK... how would you like to die?
I'd hate to die in a caraccident, but I have a feeling it will happen to me. Either that, or I think a heavy rock will fall on me.
Total Guitar:
What would you like to have written on your gravestone?
I would like a solar-powered device to that if someone stands in front of my stone it will automatically tell them to go away, or give a demonic laugh. Just something to make people laugh.
Total Guitar:
Is there a particular song you would like played at your funeral?
I would write a song from the point of view of me lying in the coffin singing to the people at my funeral. The lyrics would be something like, 'Don't be sad, you'll be following me in the future.' I would have to write it before teh rock falls on me, though.
Total Guitar:
What's the strangest thing you have ever worn onstage?
On the last tour we decided to wear traditional Bavarian costumes with a gritty industrial edge. We knew they would look really creepy, and we wanted to go with something that no-one else would dare do because it looks too weird. As a German band, we owe it to our people to wear traditional costume. If we were a Chinese metal band, I'd like to think we'd wear coolie hats.
Total Guitar:
Is there anything the band wouldn't wear onstage?
No. We have, in fact, performed naked before. It was at a Halloween show on tour with Korn and Limp Bizkit. Korn dressed as a 1980's metal band and Limp Bizkit dressed like Elvis. We don't have Halloween in Germany, so we couldn't think of what to do. Everyone had made so much effort we couldn't ignore it, so we decided to play in the nude.
Total Guitar:
Did you have pyros at that time?
Yes. It's always a little hot with those, but being naked made it easier, cooler.
Total Guitar:
You've played flaming guitars, too...
Yes, we've done that with the flames coming from the headstock. They make the strongs glow red hot!
Total Guitar:
Has anyone in the band ever been injured onstage?
Yes, but we like the pain. We used to have explosions on the stage, and Till [Lindemann, vocalist] would kneel right next to them so he could feel the pain. It had an effect on his hearing, but he likes it when it hurts. It doesn't have to look good as long as it hurts. We're from Eastern Germany, don't forget, and we can take worse [than that]. Only the Chechens are tougher than us!
Till can also eat wine glasses, including the stem, but you have to be able to chew properly. There are so many show-offs where we come from. When you're out in bars, people will give you dirty looks and bite through glasses to start fights. Those guys spit it out, but Till's thing is to keep eating hte whole glass while still staring and swalling it. Nothing happens if he does that.
Total Guitar:
If you had to break your guitar over anyone's head, who would it be and why?
It would be unhealthy to store up anger and hatred. You'd end up with cancer. I've just raed a book on Zen. It says, if you sail a boat over a lake and you're rammed by another boat, you could be tempted to yell at the other person. But when you notice there is no-one sitting in the other boat, you don't quite know who to yell at. I'm trying to live my life in such a way that the other boat is always empty, but it doesn't always work.
Total Guitar:
Who would you most like to have a riff battle with?
Richard [Kruspe, Rammstein's second guitarist]! As it happens, we have this competition every day because the guitars are the only instrument in Rammstein that are doubled up. We have a competitive battle on a daily basis. But I would rather have a coffee drinkking competition with him, or anyone else for that matter.
Total Guitar:
If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?
I would be a tiny cross-breed dog that's permanently yapping at you. While we're on the subject, Till would be a dog the size of a calf with a lazy eye, and Richard would be a boxer dog. If you tried taking food away from his bowl, he'd really growl at you.
Total Guitar:
Who would play you in a film?
Paul:Danny Devito.
Total Guitar:
If you weren't the guitarist in Rammstein, what would you be doing?
I'd have a company called 'Unasked-For Advice.' You could come to me and get hints and tips on anything from feeding birds, to the colour of your car, to how many children you should have, to fixing a problem with your shower.
Total Guitar:
What would happen if the band found themselves stuck in a lift with Baywatch babe David Hasselhoff and 10 - count 'em - bottles of Jägermeister?
We'd probably have to drink it all! We've learnt over th years that people in the public eye who are perceived to be unpleasent tend to be good fun in private. Saying that, people you like could turn out to be the opposite. But Jägermeister does help you get over a few personal hurdles.
Total Guitar:
Rammstein have a lot of songs about cocks. Do you see your guitar as an extension of your penis?
No, not really. I'm not really a typical guitarst. I don't like lead [makes insane widdling noises] guitar. A good solo is OK, but it must be unique and very special.
Total Guitar:
So would you ever consider having your own penis enlarged?
No, mine is already way too long
tisdag, januari 09, 2007
Damn you, stupid Amazon
"We wanted to give you an update on the status of your
We are sorry to report that the following items have been
Gert Hof, Rammstein "Rammstein"
Our current estimate is that it will take an additional 4-6
weeks to obtain these items for you.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes."
I'm getting glasses!! I have to wear them for at least one year, and then go back for another check-up.
I'm going to look like this:

We got our German tests back yesterday - I didn't look at it. Some sources (=Emelie & Sofie, who actually looked) tell me I got a MVG*.
I also wore my new (gorgeous) boots wich means my feet are real nice and sore
* "Three grades are currently used in elementary school: Pass (godkänd (G)), Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd (VG)) and Pass with special distinction (Mycket väl godkänd (MVG))."
söndag, januari 07, 2007
lördag, januari 06, 2007
torsdag, januari 04, 2007
onsdag, januari 03, 2007
Life is like a box of chocolates
Still did something useful today – I finally went to the optician… I mean, it just took me over one year to do it.
Save me. I’m drowning
tisdag, januari 02, 2007
18.2% stays from 30 secs to 5 mins
18.2% stays longer than 4 hours
13.6% from 5 secs to 30 secs
4.5% stays from 20 mins to an hour
2 januari 2007
This must be the best christmas card anyone can get: