It contradicts the flow of time. It will be revived by love. Can you feel it? Your heart is beating.
onsdag, januari 31, 2007
måndag, januari 29, 2007
112 (911)
"You can't be an artist if you're endlessly anxious about the potential for misunderstanding:
you've just got to be confident that your spirit is right, that your integrity is there,
and that people fundamentally will get the point,
will respond to it because you're human beings."
Christoph Schneider, Watching the Skies - Metal Hammer - December 2001.
Har känt mig ledsen idag. Ville inte störa alla glada människor så jag smög mig iväg. Jag grät lite, och det var ganska skönt.
you've just got to be confident that your spirit is right, that your integrity is there,
and that people fundamentally will get the point,
will respond to it because you're human beings."
Christoph Schneider, Watching the Skies - Metal Hammer - December 2001.
Har känt mig ledsen idag. Ville inte störa alla glada människor så jag smög mig iväg. Jag grät lite, och det var ganska skönt.
måndag, januari 22, 2007
I did an IQ-test online
Sara, your IQ score is 125

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.
The way you think about things makes you a Creative Theorist. This means you are a highly intelligent, complex person. You are able to process information of nearly every kind with ease, using both creativity and analysis to make sense of the world. Compared to others you also have a very rich imagination.
lördag, januari 20, 2007
torsdag, januari 18, 2007
Ge mig snö!
I had a really nice dream about snow. I want snow! GIVE ME SNOW! (damn global warming..fuck you)
I also got my glasses, but they're not as nice. I'm still not quite used to them and they give me a headache.
I also got my glasses, but they're not as nice. I'm still not quite used to them and they give me a headache.
måndag, januari 15, 2007
I'm bored
I'm bored and lonely. My dad will be gone all week, my sister doesn't live here any longer and my friends never have the time/don't want to do anything, we just see each other on special occasions. This really sucks.
I'm thinking of getting my belly button pierced, the question is where? My dad probably won't allow me to do it - so I have to find a decent place without the need of my parents approval. Most of those places are creepy.
Anyone who wants to do something this weekend? Movie marathon? Anything..Anything at all?
I'm thinking of getting my belly button pierced, the question is where? My dad probably won't allow me to do it - so I have to find a decent place without the need of my parents approval. Most of those places are creepy.
Anyone who wants to do something this weekend? Movie marathon? Anything..Anything at all?
lördag, januari 13, 2007
Kennedy has been shot
I just read that Rammstein will release a Best of album later this year. There will be a new song called "Vergiss uns nicht" (Don't forget us) on it. OMG! THEY CAN'T RETIRE! This can turn out so...horrible.
Don't leave me
Don't leave me
The Evil.
I've got a cold, it's awful.
I hate it when it's warm outside. (Die sun, die!) Keeping this in mind AND adding the global warming = I'm going to die this summer. Bye bye world. Winter haven't come yet - it went from fall to spring instead.
Everyone is adviced to stay inside, because there's a hurricane coming. It's usually windy in springtime, but it's extreme for this time of year. Storm after storm after storm...
I hate it when it's warm outside. (Die sun, die!) Keeping this in mind AND adding the global warming = I'm going to die this summer. Bye bye world. Winter haven't come yet - it went from fall to spring instead.
Everyone is adviced to stay inside, because there's a hurricane coming. It's usually windy in springtime, but it's extreme for this time of year. Storm after storm after storm...
onsdag, januari 10, 2007
I like Paul
Total Guitar:
What's the weirdest thing a groupie has ever done to you?
Next question!
Total Guitar:
Does being the guitarist in Rammstein get you laid?
What's your problem? Some of us are in relationships and it would be pretty stupid of me to start talking about things like that.
Total Guitar:
Er, OK... how would you like to die?
I'd hate to die in a caraccident, but I have a feeling it will happen to me. Either that, or I think a heavy rock will fall on me.
Total Guitar:
What would you like to have written on your gravestone?
I would like a solar-powered device to that if someone stands in front of my stone it will automatically tell them to go away, or give a demonic laugh. Just something to make people laugh.
Total Guitar:
Is there a particular song you would like played at your funeral?
I would write a song from the point of view of me lying in the coffin singing to the people at my funeral. The lyrics would be something like, 'Don't be sad, you'll be following me in the future.' I would have to write it before teh rock falls on me, though.
Total Guitar:
What's the strangest thing you have ever worn onstage?
On the last tour we decided to wear traditional Bavarian costumes with a gritty industrial edge. We knew they would look really creepy, and we wanted to go with something that no-one else would dare do because it looks too weird. As a German band, we owe it to our people to wear traditional costume. If we were a Chinese metal band, I'd like to think we'd wear coolie hats.
Total Guitar:
Is there anything the band wouldn't wear onstage?
No. We have, in fact, performed naked before. It was at a Halloween show on tour with Korn and Limp Bizkit. Korn dressed as a 1980's metal band and Limp Bizkit dressed like Elvis. We don't have Halloween in Germany, so we couldn't think of what to do. Everyone had made so much effort we couldn't ignore it, so we decided to play in the nude.
Total Guitar:
Did you have pyros at that time?
Yes. It's always a little hot with those, but being naked made it easier, cooler.
Total Guitar:
You've played flaming guitars, too...
Yes, we've done that with the flames coming from the headstock. They make the strongs glow red hot!
Total Guitar:
Has anyone in the band ever been injured onstage?
Yes, but we like the pain. We used to have explosions on the stage, and Till [Lindemann, vocalist] would kneel right next to them so he could feel the pain. It had an effect on his hearing, but he likes it when it hurts. It doesn't have to look good as long as it hurts. We're from Eastern Germany, don't forget, and we can take worse [than that]. Only the Chechens are tougher than us!
Till can also eat wine glasses, including the stem, but you have to be able to chew properly. There are so many show-offs where we come from. When you're out in bars, people will give you dirty looks and bite through glasses to start fights. Those guys spit it out, but Till's thing is to keep eating hte whole glass while still staring and swalling it. Nothing happens if he does that.
Total Guitar:
If you had to break your guitar over anyone's head, who would it be and why?
It would be unhealthy to store up anger and hatred. You'd end up with cancer. I've just raed a book on Zen. It says, if you sail a boat over a lake and you're rammed by another boat, you could be tempted to yell at the other person. But when you notice there is no-one sitting in the other boat, you don't quite know who to yell at. I'm trying to live my life in such a way that the other boat is always empty, but it doesn't always work.
Total Guitar:
Who would you most like to have a riff battle with?
Richard [Kruspe, Rammstein's second guitarist]! As it happens, we have this competition every day because the guitars are the only instrument in Rammstein that are doubled up. We have a competitive battle on a daily basis. But I would rather have a coffee drinkking competition with him, or anyone else for that matter.
Total Guitar:
If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?
I would be a tiny cross-breed dog that's permanently yapping at you. While we're on the subject, Till would be a dog the size of a calf with a lazy eye, and Richard would be a boxer dog. If you tried taking food away from his bowl, he'd really growl at you.
Total Guitar:
Who would play you in a film?
Paul:Danny Devito.
Total Guitar:
If you weren't the guitarist in Rammstein, what would you be doing?
I'd have a company called 'Unasked-For Advice.' You could come to me and get hints and tips on anything from feeding birds, to the colour of your car, to how many children you should have, to fixing a problem with your shower.
Total Guitar:
What would happen if the band found themselves stuck in a lift with Baywatch babe David Hasselhoff and 10 - count 'em - bottles of Jägermeister?
We'd probably have to drink it all! We've learnt over th years that people in the public eye who are perceived to be unpleasent tend to be good fun in private. Saying that, people you like could turn out to be the opposite. But Jägermeister does help you get over a few personal hurdles.
Total Guitar:
Rammstein have a lot of songs about cocks. Do you see your guitar as an extension of your penis?
No, not really. I'm not really a typical guitarst. I don't like lead [makes insane widdling noises] guitar. A good solo is OK, but it must be unique and very special.
Total Guitar:
So would you ever consider having your own penis enlarged?
No, mine is already way too long
What's the weirdest thing a groupie has ever done to you?
Next question!
Total Guitar:
Does being the guitarist in Rammstein get you laid?
What's your problem? Some of us are in relationships and it would be pretty stupid of me to start talking about things like that.
Total Guitar:
Er, OK... how would you like to die?
I'd hate to die in a caraccident, but I have a feeling it will happen to me. Either that, or I think a heavy rock will fall on me.
Total Guitar:
What would you like to have written on your gravestone?
I would like a solar-powered device to that if someone stands in front of my stone it will automatically tell them to go away, or give a demonic laugh. Just something to make people laugh.
Total Guitar:
Is there a particular song you would like played at your funeral?
I would write a song from the point of view of me lying in the coffin singing to the people at my funeral. The lyrics would be something like, 'Don't be sad, you'll be following me in the future.' I would have to write it before teh rock falls on me, though.
Total Guitar:
What's the strangest thing you have ever worn onstage?
On the last tour we decided to wear traditional Bavarian costumes with a gritty industrial edge. We knew they would look really creepy, and we wanted to go with something that no-one else would dare do because it looks too weird. As a German band, we owe it to our people to wear traditional costume. If we were a Chinese metal band, I'd like to think we'd wear coolie hats.
Total Guitar:
Is there anything the band wouldn't wear onstage?
No. We have, in fact, performed naked before. It was at a Halloween show on tour with Korn and Limp Bizkit. Korn dressed as a 1980's metal band and Limp Bizkit dressed like Elvis. We don't have Halloween in Germany, so we couldn't think of what to do. Everyone had made so much effort we couldn't ignore it, so we decided to play in the nude.
Total Guitar:
Did you have pyros at that time?
Yes. It's always a little hot with those, but being naked made it easier, cooler.
Total Guitar:
You've played flaming guitars, too...
Yes, we've done that with the flames coming from the headstock. They make the strongs glow red hot!
Total Guitar:
Has anyone in the band ever been injured onstage?
Yes, but we like the pain. We used to have explosions on the stage, and Till [Lindemann, vocalist] would kneel right next to them so he could feel the pain. It had an effect on his hearing, but he likes it when it hurts. It doesn't have to look good as long as it hurts. We're from Eastern Germany, don't forget, and we can take worse [than that]. Only the Chechens are tougher than us!
Till can also eat wine glasses, including the stem, but you have to be able to chew properly. There are so many show-offs where we come from. When you're out in bars, people will give you dirty looks and bite through glasses to start fights. Those guys spit it out, but Till's thing is to keep eating hte whole glass while still staring and swalling it. Nothing happens if he does that.
Total Guitar:
If you had to break your guitar over anyone's head, who would it be and why?
It would be unhealthy to store up anger and hatred. You'd end up with cancer. I've just raed a book on Zen. It says, if you sail a boat over a lake and you're rammed by another boat, you could be tempted to yell at the other person. But when you notice there is no-one sitting in the other boat, you don't quite know who to yell at. I'm trying to live my life in such a way that the other boat is always empty, but it doesn't always work.
Total Guitar:
Who would you most like to have a riff battle with?
Richard [Kruspe, Rammstein's second guitarist]! As it happens, we have this competition every day because the guitars are the only instrument in Rammstein that are doubled up. We have a competitive battle on a daily basis. But I would rather have a coffee drinkking competition with him, or anyone else for that matter.
Total Guitar:
If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be?
I would be a tiny cross-breed dog that's permanently yapping at you. While we're on the subject, Till would be a dog the size of a calf with a lazy eye, and Richard would be a boxer dog. If you tried taking food away from his bowl, he'd really growl at you.
Total Guitar:
Who would play you in a film?
Paul:Danny Devito.
Total Guitar:
If you weren't the guitarist in Rammstein, what would you be doing?
I'd have a company called 'Unasked-For Advice.' You could come to me and get hints and tips on anything from feeding birds, to the colour of your car, to how many children you should have, to fixing a problem with your shower.
Total Guitar:
What would happen if the band found themselves stuck in a lift with Baywatch babe David Hasselhoff and 10 - count 'em - bottles of Jägermeister?
We'd probably have to drink it all! We've learnt over th years that people in the public eye who are perceived to be unpleasent tend to be good fun in private. Saying that, people you like could turn out to be the opposite. But Jägermeister does help you get over a few personal hurdles.
Total Guitar:
Rammstein have a lot of songs about cocks. Do you see your guitar as an extension of your penis?
No, not really. I'm not really a typical guitarst. I don't like lead [makes insane widdling noises] guitar. A good solo is OK, but it must be unique and very special.
Total Guitar:
So would you ever consider having your own penis enlarged?
No, mine is already way too long
tisdag, januari 09, 2007
Damn you, stupid Amazon
"We wanted to give you an update on the status of your
We are sorry to report that the following items have been
Gert Hof, Rammstein "Rammstein"
Our current estimate is that it will take an additional 4-6
weeks to obtain these items for you.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes."
I'm getting glasses!! I have to wear them for at least one year, and then go back for another check-up.
I'm going to look like this:

We got our German tests back yesterday - I didn't look at it. Some sources (=Emelie & Sofie, who actually looked) tell me I got a MVG*.
I also wore my new (gorgeous) boots wich means my feet are real nice and sore
* "Three grades are currently used in elementary school: Pass (godkänd (G)), Pass with distinction (Väl godkänd (VG)) and Pass with special distinction (Mycket väl godkänd (MVG))."
söndag, januari 07, 2007
lördag, januari 06, 2007
torsdag, januari 04, 2007
onsdag, januari 03, 2007
Life is like a box of chocolates
Today sucked. Woke up and felt totally neglected. I feel so lonely and I’m starting to get the same feeling as in the ninth grade. (If you don’t know what happened then, you shouldn’t know. If you do know, you would realise I feel really low.)
Still did something useful today – I finally went to the optician… I mean, it just took me over one year to do it.
Save me. I’m drowning
Still did something useful today – I finally went to the optician… I mean, it just took me over one year to do it.
Save me. I’m drowning
tisdag, januari 02, 2007
45.5% stays less than 5 secs on my blog
18.2% stays from 30 secs to 5 mins
18.2% stays longer than 4 hours
13.6% from 5 secs to 30 secs
4.5% stays from 20 mins to an hour
18.2% stays from 30 secs to 5 mins
18.2% stays longer than 4 hours
13.6% from 5 secs to 30 secs
4.5% stays from 20 mins to an hour
2 januari 2007
I need a mat-och sovklocka just like skalman. (what's he called in English?)
This must be the best christmas card anyone can get:
This must be the best christmas card anyone can get:

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