Had an absolutely shitty day. Pure BS. Started really bad by just waking up. I wasn't in the mood to be awake at all! Then I went to school and almost fell over a dozen times on my way there just to realize I was 30 minutes early! Had a test in irregular German words, yippee and then lo and behold Latin. Which sucked. Who cares about the death of Hannibal? Seriously. There are more important stuff going on! Dragged my sorry ass home without having lunch (fish au gratin yuck)and nuked some old bolognaise.
Then the boresome minutes turned into hours and here I am. I need to do stuff, but no one wants to tag along. Doing stuff alone is as boring as just sitting here. Everyone is busy doing this and that and I am stuck here. Feels like everyone's sick and tired of me now, always nagging on them about doing things. No more of that, I promise.
I think I might be suffering from Weltschmerz. Chatted with a guy from Missouri and BOOM he started screaming about tornadoes and floods. Yep, he was trapped in the middle of the storm. Tried to convince him not to leave his house (he was worried about his car, it'd been dented). Perspective please. Anyway the whole situation made me so sad I began to cry. He was going on about how we must warn other people in Missouri (yeah, like I can do much about that). It just got to me. Bleh. All this was accompanied by Pain - Just think again. So sad.
By the way, my driving lesson yesterday got canceled. Again.